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Why do we assign value to symbols? Why do two tiny lines mean so much to us? Why does the pregnancy test I hold in my hand mean a life changing moment for me?

I don't have the answers to any of them but the pregnancy test. My life is about to change, Noah's life is about change. We are about to become parents to the baby growing in my stomach. And I am excited, excited to start another chapter of mine and Noah's life together with our child.

I grin widely as I store the pregnancy test in my oversized jumper, my whole body beaming with delight at the news of finding out I am having a baby. I knew something was up when I didn't get my period a few weeks ago, I thought it was my body playing a trick with me because I was stressed out due to exams but now I know the truth. I am pregnant. I am about to have a baby with Noah by my side. And I can't wait to tell him.

The door to our apartment opens and I know Noah is home from meeting up with the guys. I fix myself before leaving the bathroom, the smile on my face growing ever so widely as I go find my boyfriend. I spot Noah walking into the living room and I go to wave at him, but I instantly stop when I see his tear stained cheeks and defeated look upon his face. What has happened? All thoughts of happiness and telling him I'm pregnant leave me, and I go to find out what has made Noah act the way he is.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask rushing towards him. Noah backs up and raises his hands away from me, I feel my heart deflate at his actions. What is wrong with Noah? He has never done that before, he has never declined me holding his hands. Whatever has happened must be major for him to act like this.

"Noah." I say this time with some authority to my tone. I have to get to the bottom of this, he is my boyfriend. Noah and I have been together for three years, we met when he came to Carolina to play for the professional ice hockey team here. How we met wasn't ideal, we got into a car accident together and ever since then we have been together. Noah asked me on a date to make up for him hitting my car with his and I agreed, soon after that we started dating and here we are about to start a family together but first I have to find out what is wrong with Noah before I tell him the happy news.

"I can't." He whispers in a raspy voice; his head shakes at whatever has happened to him.

I walk forward to him and take a hold of his hands in mine, I hold on tighter as he tries to pull away from me. "Noah, tell me what is wrong." I demand this time. I look up into his teary eyes, my heart sinking at how broken he looks.

Noah lowers his gaze from mine, he inhales deeply before telling me what has happened. "Elias and I got traded." Those words, the words that haunts every partner of a hockey player. Nobody wants to hear them, nobody, not even the players themselves, and here Noah is telling me that he has been traded. So, the dreaded words have been spoken and Noah is leaving Carolina.

I let my hands fall from Noah's, one of them subtly resting against my tummy as I think about the baby growing in my stomach. "Where to?" I ask in a soft tone, my heart hammering in my chest as I await his answer.

Noah bites his lip as a few more tears are shed by him. Seeing him this vulnerable makes me hurt too, I want to help him so much but there isn't anything that I can do but be with him every step of the way. "Calgary." Noah tells sinking to the couch. I remove my hand from my stomach and sit beside him, I reach for his hands but he retracts them instantly.

"Noah." I call out tentatively, my heartbeat quickening as I look on to Noah. I see him inhale deeply again as he wipes away his tears, I watch carefully while he turns his attention on to me. He has a soft, sad smile on his lips, he bites his lip to stop it from wobbling and I fear I have an idea of what he is about to tell me.

HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin