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I love my job, I truly do. The satisfaction I get at the end of each shift is like no other. The joy of saving someone's life is what keeps me going with this job, taking the bad guys off the streets and keeping the citizens of Toronto protected because of what I do every day gives me a sense of happiness that I am doing the right thing. And there are the bad days that everyone gets, when you can't save someone or you question why you became a cop in the first place but I know that at the end of the day, being a cop is the greatest thing I could have ever done with my life.

And what makes everything a thousand percent better is that at the end of a long and hard shift, I get to go home to my loving and amazing fiancé. Auston and I have been together for over four years and I have loved every minute of being with him. Auston brings out the best in me and I bring out the best in Auston, we are both made for each other. I love everything about him, his beautiful dark eyes when he looks at me, his strong muscles wrapped around me when we cuddle or when he just hugs me, or even if it's just us sitting in our bed doing nothing but watching TV together, I just love him with all my heart. And I know he loves me too, there isn't a day that goes by when he doesn't tell me he loves me. I guess that's why we are going to get married in a few months time.

Our engagement was beautiful, just beautiful because it was just us two together sharing a beautiful moment that we will remember forever. We went on holiday to Santorini over the summer holidays and spent two weeks there. At the end of our trip we had a lovely meal at sunset over looking the beautiful blue water and when we had finished, Auston got down onto one knee and spoke this beautiful speech about how much he loved me and how we are meant to be together forever, that he was glad that I am in his life and that he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with me. By the end of it, I was crying tears of happiness at what was happening. I didn't think twice about saying yes to marrying Auston, it was all I had dreamed about when we first started going together. We came back to Toronto after the holiday away and my life couldn't have been any better, I have an amazing job and an amazing fiancé.

And like usual, after an antagonizing long shift, I make it home to Auston and I's apartment around eleven o'clock at night. I sigh heavily when I enter, the familiar scent of Auston's cologne welcomes me and I feel a faint smile form on my lips when I think about seeing Auston after tonight's events.

"Hey babe, I'm home." I call out to Auston as I slip out of my boots. I walk further into our apartment, my eyes looking around each room to spot my fiancé hoping that he may still be awake. And when I find Auston, I see him asleep cuddled in our bed with our dog, Apollo. I feel my heart burst with love at the scene, I love coming home to this especially late into the night. My shifts vary, no day will be same and no shift will be the same. So when I have a shift that goes late into the evening, I always know I am coming home to Auston possibly asleep with Apollo in his arms to make up for the lack of me not being cuddled with him.

I cross the floor and kneel in front of Auston, I push back some strands of hair that have fallen in front of his eyes. "I'm home babe." I whisper softly, my finger gently stroking his forehead.

Auston stirs and pops open one eye, a small smile forming on his lips when he spots me. "Welcome home." He whispers to me, still half asleep. I smile at him before gently placing a kiss on his forehead, Auston sighs deeply and wraps his arms around me and pulls me into the bed with him, Apollo jumps up and then snuggles back to sleep again.

"Auston." I squeal as Auston rolls on top of me. He ignores me and continues to place his head in the crook of my neck, the feeling of his hot breath against my neck has my stomach tingling like crazy. He continues to lie on top of me and I can tell he is slowly falling back to sleep, but I can't sleep after tonight's shift so I run my fingers through Auston's hair to keep my thoughts calm.

HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now