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A/N: Hello! Just a quick little message here, this has to be one of the longest imagines I have ever written! Also if you keep reading you will find something exciting that is being announced at the very end! P.s: all German translations will be located at the bottom.

I had fallen in love with Leon the moment my eyes focused on his. Those beautiful grey eyes had me hooked from the get-go, and here we are four years later engaged to be married. There are no words to describe how I feel about Leon, he is the perfect gentleman and everything I had ever wished for in a husband whenever I was younger. And here he is marrying me to spend the rest of our lives together, I truly love him.

The night Leon proposed was magical for the both of us, but I knew there was something nagging at him hours after I said yes to becoming his wife. His family wasn't there to witness him getting engaged. I knew Leon had a hard time moving over to Canada, he, of course, is German and his family originates from that side of the world. Throughout our how relationship together I have never met his family when they came to visit him, I was always away on class trips and never had the chance. It felt wrong of me not meeting his side of the family, he has met every single one of my family members right down to the very young cousin of mine who had just been born the day before he proposed.

I hate the idea that Leon feels alone here in Edmonton, after all he only gets to see his family when they visit for a weekend or during the summer holidays after hockey is over. And I especially feel bad that I have never met his mother or father, I am to become a member of the Draisaitl family and I have no idea if his parents will like me or not.

I have always worried that they've never approved of me, I have never known what Leon has said to them about me but I doubt he has said anything bad because he did just propose to me. And I am glad that I am marrying him, I love him and that's what matters when it comes to a relationship. I know Leon loves me, he tells me every time he sees me and I never get tired of hearing those three words leave his lips.

Being the good fiancé that I am, I decided enough was enough and it was time to meet my soon to be in-laws. Hockey has finished until October for Leon, I have just graduated from university and don't start my new job until September, and with the summer ahead of us with planning a wedding, I took it upon myself to surprise Leon with aeroplane tickets back to his hometown in Germany. Well I hope I have done the right thing, I am honestly crapping my pants while I wait for Leon to come home so I can let him know what I have planned for us.

A few minutes later the door opens to the apartment and I hear Leon shout that he is home, I reply back telling him I'm in our bedroom. I sit on our bed, my legs crossed and my hands rest on my lap. I play with my fingers while I wait for him to walk in, I see his tall figure appear in the room and he grins widely when he sees me. I return it and watch as confusion fills his eyes, he spots the suitcase on the bed and raises his eyes to meet mine. Instantly I see panic fill his features and he rushes forward, he grabs my hands and begins pleading.

"No, don't leave me Liebling. Tell me what I've done wrong, let me make it up to you. I'm so sorry, plea-"

"Wow, Leon. Calm down babe, I'm not leaving you well I am but you're coming with me." I say interrupting Leon's words when I realise where he was going with his words. He thought I was breaking up with him and leaving him, I would never do that to him, I could never do that.

Leon's face fills with confusion yet again. "Liebling, what are you talking about?"

"Well I know how home sick you get when you are here and how much you miss your family in Germany, and well I have never met your parents. So I thought that because I am becoming the next Mrs. Draisaitl, it was about time I met your parents." I take a breath and smile up at Leon. "We're leaving for Cologne in a few days, you should get packing because we're there for two weeks."

HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum