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Am I the only person who hates weddings? I know it is about celebrating someone else's love and that they've chosen to spend the rest of their lives with that person, but for someone who has no luck when it comes to love it gets boring really quick.

I started to get bored before my friend even made it up the aisle to her now-husband, that's how much weddings bore me. The ceremony was alright, they both teared up at their vows, and holy crap did a breath of relief leave me when the priest finally announced them as husband and wife. It took forever!

Now I sit at my designated table, my cheek slumped against my hand as I stare out onto the dance floor where everyone is. I could just skip and leave now, I am sure my friend is too busy with her husband to notice that I've gone. But with the good that is left in my heart, I decided to stay until they left.

My eyes travel around the room where the reception is being held, I might just be the only person who is sitting looking bored as the rest of the guests are up dancing and having fun. My knee bounces as I continue to look around, my eyes land on the lone male sitting on the other side of the room. He looks as bored as I do, he's slumped against his chair with his attention on his phone. I let a snort leave me when I think we're one in the same, he has dark hair like myself and has that bored look on his face. Maybe he just hates weddings, they are pretty boring when you're love life is loveless.

I turn my eyes off him and back onto the dance floor, I see my friend dancing away with her new family. I guess I can slip out now, she's too preoccupied and I am pretty bored sitting here alone. The quicker I get home the quicker I can get out of this ridiculous outfit and watch Netflix in my pj's.

I start to stand up but it is an accented voice that stops me in my tracks.

"You look bored." I hear the person behind me say. I turn around to see the bored male from before taking a seat on the empty chair beside me. I let a scoff leave me at his words.

"Bored isn't the word for it." I mutter and lean against the table again.

"Tell me about it." He sighs and copies me. I take in the opportunity to look at him, he is pretty cute and looks my age. He has dark hair and even darker eyes; his eyebrows are thick and he has pretty red lips. Man, he is adorable looking.

"I was just about to leave." I tell and turn my attention off him.

"I was too, but then you look bored so I thought I'd come over and we could be bored together." He chuckles deeply. I smile at his words; his laugh is cute as well.

"Well thank you, it's nice to know I'm not the only bored one here." I say and the male beside me laughs again.

"So how do you know the bride or groom?" He asks striking a conversation between us. I turn my attention onto the male beside me, his eyes are on mine and he waits for me to answer his question.

"The bride is an old family friend; my family was supposed to be here but they all bailed and I'm here myself. What about you?" I ask gesturing to him.

"The groom is my teammate." He tells with a nod of his head. At the word teammate, I speak up.

"Teammate?" I ask showing my interest in his words.

"Ah." The male says and curls his lips. "I play hockey for a living and the groom is on my team."

"That's pretty cool, who do you play for?" I wonder and lean my chin against my hand, my attention fully on the male beside me.

"New Jersey Devils, they're in the NHL." He tells with pride beaming from him. I let a smile form its way onto my lips as I look at him, he looks so happy and excited as he talks about his job. Maybe him coming over is a blessing in disguise, I feel myself become less bored and more interested in this male beside me.

HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now