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A/N: Hey guys! Just a little authors note here, this imagine deals with abusive, so if you are not comfortable with this topic please do not read it! 

Brother/Sister Imagine. 

From the moment I met him I thought he was the one for me, that prince charming I spent my life searching for. But I was young and naïve to the love I thought he was giving me, it was when we moved in together did I realise what I had gotten myself in to.

When Kaleb and I started dating it was heaven, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine. I was happy that someone loved me back just as much as I loved them, but little did I know that wasn't the truth. I was blinded by love. I never read into the controlling texts that he sent, I just thought they were messages he was sending me just making sure I was OK and that I wouldn't do anything stupid. When I moved in to his apartment did my eyes get truly opened to who Kaleb truly is. He became super controlling towards me, I had to tell him where I was, who I was with, and when I would be home, and if I was home a few minutes after I said I would be, he wouldn't let me eat or talk to my friends for days. And it became extremely hard for me to tell people what was happening to me, I couldn't tell my brother what was happening to me and that is the one thing that still eats me up inside every night.

Mitch and I are twins born five minutes apart, Mitch being the one who was born first and always likes to tell people that. From the moment we were born, we really did everything together. We used to share our food together, we went to school together and hated it when we were separated by our teachers, we played ice hockey together, and when Mitch went pro is when we really went our separate ways but we would always depend on one another no matter how far apart we were from one another. And when things started to get really bad between Kaleb and I, I couldn't tell my own twin brother what was going on with me, even when we swore never to keep secrets from each other.

The reason being I am afraid. I am afraid that Kaleb will do something to one of my friends or family members if he finds out I told them what he does to me. I am afraid that something bad will happen to me if Kaleb finds out I told someone that he is abusing me. I wish I could walk away from my relationship with Kaleb, but I can't and that is because I am afraid that if I do, I may not be able to live another day knowing what he is capable of doing.

Kaleb never got violent with me until I once stayed out late at my university and didn't come until the morning. I never answered his text messages or calls, I had to turn my phone off because I was in the library studying for my finals. When I got home that morning, I was shoved into the wall and my head bounced off it. It took me a while to understand what was happening and when I realised who was hitting me, I was in complete shock. I never thought Kaleb would cross that line and yet he did. And from then, I walked on eggshells around him, so afraid that if I stepped out of line I would be hit or screamed at by him.

What makes everything difficult for me, is when he has finished being abusive he will come and apologise to me, crying and telling me that he loves me, that he'll never do it again. And I always believe him, I always believe that he'll never harm me again and I am always wrong.

And like usual, after Kaleb has finished ranting and throwing abusive words to me, he is cuddled into my side silently wishing that I forgive him for doing this to me. I know I don't love him anymore, I came down from that cloud nine love I had for him when he first started abusing me physically. Yet I am too scared to leave him, I can't leave him or something will happen to me. And I just wish I could tell Mitch what is happening to me, he always said he would protect me and I need that protection right now.

"Hey." I say speaking up into the silence between Kaleb and I. My heart hammers in my chest as I wait for Kaleb to speak up, every time I speak to him or do anything around him I am always afraid of saying something that will set him off again and I don't need another round of him abusing me.

HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now