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A Heart Breaking Shock </3

**°~• Hamna POV •~°**

At 9:00 am...

I woke up by the sound of my phone singing,"we will,we will Rock you"... i should change it :p but its so motivating :D... It was a call from an unknow person!!!... i dont attend anyone's call except who are in my contacts..!!! it can be anyone... so I pick it up without saying anything first recognizing the voice but it's so hard to...

Unknown: Assalam-o-Allikkum!!!..

I don't know what to do so I decided to make my voice manly and speak :p this is what I do to scare em and then make em regret calling again :p coz unknown numbers here wont let u live peacefully they will keep calling if they got to know that there's a girl at the other side... You can find such lunatics here :/ :p !!! ... Usually I hand my phone to my brothers but they aren't home so... here we go...

Me: Wallikum Assalam...!!! can I help u..!!! (in manly voice 40% failing in it) :p

Unknown: Is this Hamna's number?!!!...

Me: Why!!! :/

Unknown: coz its Imran speaking..!!! Can I talk to her please..!!!

I'm shocked... Why he called... And he asked for me so casually and easily it could be my dad whome he talking to :/...!!! Is everything OK?!!!...

Me (still shocked): Hello... Imran bhai... how are you...!!! is everything OK at there?!

Imran: don't call me BHAI... we're friends OK..!!! :/ and everything's fine... Don't worry...!!!

Me: Oh OK..!!! :/ Then why'd you call..!!!

Imran: Just missing I mean getting bore so I thought of calling you..!!!

Me: oh OK..!!! by the way where did you get my number?! :/

Imran: ummmm... Got it from shehry's mobile!!!..

Me: what you-!!!

He cut me off and said...

Imran: no no no I mean I asked your number from him... he trust me so he gave it to me...!!!

Now What!!! shehry gave my number to him !!! >_<... why in the world he gave my number or you can say a girl's number to some other guy by just asking...!!! I'm not going to talk to him... But how can he just do that he's my best friend...!!! I'll talk to him later..!!! :/

Me: okay!!!.. :/

Imran: are you OK??!!!

Me: yeah I'm fine...!!!

After talking for few more minutes... we said our byes and hang up..!!!

I was lying on my bed and thinking... Today is friday, mom told me that they have decided to have a party or family gathering on saturday... Everyone will be comming... And its my mamu's (mom's brother) reception too...He live in london and he got married to a typical and desi women here.... He got to go so we couldn't been able to do the reception so we're gonna do it too :) ... Im so excited :)...!!! We got so much to do... It's gonna be full of fun weekend :) !!!...

Alfi and Hizu are sleeping but not for long :p..!!!

OK when I'm upset I try to ignore my problems and enjoy my life by doing childish things, any kind of childish thing :p... so to wake those sleepyheads up... I have to think something good...!!! Let's see I have water :p, Music :D and no I got it :D...!!! the best and fun part is that when u can mix two plan together and let the third one take some rest :p...!!!

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