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      A Desirable Fantasy ♥


I happily announce that Asif's daughter Hamna has been chosen for Asif's son shehryaar. I'm just Happy can't explain ...""

She continued but After hearing all this "Hamna chosen for shehryaar" I got frozen and my eyes wide open. I am in a really big shock. What....!!!!!!!????

**°♥• Hamna POV °♥•**

My body stiffened, when I heard my phuppo saying those words. It feels like I can't breath, can't even blink. My heart beats fast and loud, I can feel it clearly saying Oh Mery(my) ALLAH in excitement. It's like my blood just stop circulating in my body. My eyes wider than a frog anyone can see my two black circular globes, Can't even dare to move my eyeballs just staring at the person ahead me and it's Him looking tensed as me i guess. He tensely smiled when he saw Umair bhai coming to hug him to congratulate him. Bhai is beyond happy, smiling brighter showing all the white teeths he have. Everyone is happy, teasing us and hugging one by one.

Why didn't my parents tell me about this?!... This is just too much they should've asked that if I like him or not. Obviously I like him and would've said yes instantly but i would be ready for this if I knew it... I don't know what to do. Even Sanya didn't told me about this, maybe a hint should've helped me to handle this situation. But noooo she didn't. I can have a heart attack coz this kind of situation is the very first which is happening with me and this kind of thing means alot to me.

Now what's gonna happen next, a segment where we will be seated together, will make each other wear there rings on there  ring finger, everyone gonna force us to eat alot of heavy sweets. They all are gonna take alot of picture like hundreds or thousands of them. Ouuuhhh ALLAH plz help me. I'm sure everyone will be now staring at my stiffen posture and saying that why Hamna is being a statue??...

I'm standing between my cousins. Rida one of my cousin shook me slightly to get me in my senses and it helped, with a flinch I get back to my present out from my thoughts and started to stare at the cemented floor underneath my foot which is completely swipe away from there coz of this news . While seeing me in a shock, Rida embraced me in a warm hug while saying "Bhabi Mubarak Ho" while making a awwwhhhh expression and smiling. I Can feel the pure happiness in her voice. As I heard this I shut my eyes, getting ready to hear "Congratulations you met your life partner, at last your not alone anymore"...

**°•^ Sanya POV ^•°**

After my grandmother announced about it officially infront of everyone. The reaction everyone gave was just worth its weight in gold :) . My mother in law congratulate my mom with a hug and also welcomed, show her love to me with a tight hug. She gave a piece of sweet in mom's mouth by her hand, mom did the same and then again they embraced each other. She also gave a small piece of my favorite sweet to me making the best time of my life sweet and memorial :) . My dad and my father in law did the same, they gave each other a feeling full hug and everyone chuckled when my future hubby's father lift dad while hugging :D . My father in law place his hand on my head while blessing me :).

My grandmother also embraced me with a soothing hug. I love this sweet but i don't want to eat more coz if I ate more then I'm gonna gain weight and I don't want to get fat. I don't want to look chubby on my wedding days. Well I'm getting to the future so fast, there is time :p. My Mother in law told me to sit at the sofa, place just two step away where he is already sitted. I was holding my mom's hand tightly and after another light squeeze I release her hand from my grip and step towards, sat there and look at my hands while he is looking at me. Oh I need someone beside me can't handle this much stare from him ≥﹏≤ ... Hamna where are you??, I need you... I look up and saw Hamna hugged by Rida, her expressions changed like she's in a shock I'm sure she is mad at me she won't talk to me or worse °o°. After the hug her expressions are still tensed and then a face full of hurt came into my view. I've never seen Hamna like that before maybe there's something more  ⊙_⊙ . Everyone was now enjoying the sweets and also give us some too. Arrggghhh I'm full ╯﹏╰ . Can't eat more.

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