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            Goodbye :'#

**__•Hamna POV**__•


It was a long drive to the beach... i was enjoying the veiw... a beautiful cloudy weather... calming me :) and then my phone vibrates in my hand... I unlock it and saw a notification of a msg... I open it.... it was from shehry... saying

"Hey :) !!!!!" 

I didn't reply... just check the msg and lock my phone... I really want to delete his number but I decided that I won't untill I reach home... I have to tolerate him :/ !!!... it's not less than a torture to me... >_< ... I sat behind shehry's seat because I don't want to see his face or let him take a glance at me by any chance!!! :/ ....

I don't want to think about it. Please Hamna try to relax!!!  I took a deep breath taking the fresh musky air in and breathe out my depression a Lil bit :)... I fell nice... :)

The van is banging with music plus the chattering of boys with girls on something I don't know coz I was zoned out a while ago from everything for how long...!!! don't know :/ !!! then I zoned out again... don't want to get in between there arguments and stuff which are quite funny and stupid I guess as the girls are giggling cutely :p...

I again started to enjoy the weather as it was perfectly amusing me :)... and then the side mirror took my attention...!!! I saw that shehry is looking at me by the reflection of the side mirror... I was shocked to see that shehry was peeking From the side mirror setting it on me so that he can get good and nice veiw of me... After making my life full of pain. He is still doing that... seriously!!! :/ ... Well I'm gonna ignore as much as I can... So I started to chat with the others... and then again my phone vibrates in my hands making me mad ...!!! I think it's him again (*>.<*)!!!  I open it and it was a msg from my friend,my bestie "Hifza"...

Hifza: Hey... :) :*

Me: Hi... :) how are you :* ???

Hifza: I'm fine :) what's app :p

Me: Hanging out with friends :D on my way to the beach ;)

Hifza: oh wow :) have fun!!! :D

Me: yup :p

Hifza: When will you come home!!!??? :)

ME: Today at night I guess :p... Why!!??

Hifza: Well I'm coming tomorrow at your house for few days ;) so you and Alfi should be at your home :p !!!

Me: really :D... I'm so excited :p... at last after a long time :p... it's been a month that you haven't came :D.. we surely be at my home ;) and can't wait to see you :) !!!...

Hifza: OK bye :* ..!!! I have to go..!! mom's calling probably for cooking :p...

Me: oyeee hoyeee!!! Cooking :p... OK I have a surprise for you ;) I'll tell you tomorrow at my place ;) ... OK bye :) :*

After saying bye to her... i got another msg.. i thought it probably would be Hifza's msg saying "bye"... but it wasn't..!! it's a msg of shehry...  saying...

Shehry: Can we talk??!!! -_-

Me: Why??!!!! :/

Shehry: i want to explain all that to u that happen at the roof!!! :/

And I ignore as I've decided to do!!!... after a drive of 14 mins we arrive at the beach!!!! :)... getting out from the van..!!! we all girls ran toward the water!!! :p... the water was nice and clear... lol not clean plus salty as it is ;) :p...

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