Chapter One: Rachel Watts

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I soon realised that Dan and Phil weren't alone, they were with Chris and PJ, the other half of the Fantastic Foursome. I managed to snap out of fan girl mode, both Dan and Phil sounded urgent as they were trying to get my attention.

"Yes this is my shop why?"

Phil let out a breath of relief.

"The four of us decided to go out but then Chris and PJ got us noticed and now we have a herd of fans after us. Can we hide in your shop?"

I looked over my four favourite youtubers before sighing and nodding.

"Sure, why not."

I stepped aside and Phil was the first one in.

"Thank you and I'm Phil by the way."

The other three followed after him.

"I'm Dan."

"I'm Chris."

"And I'm PJ."

I already knew who these youtubers were but they didn't know I knew.

"You might want to hide in History or Bibliographies; they are the furthest from the window and no one ever goes in those sections."

All four boys nodded and split up. Dan and Phil chose Bibliographies while Chris and PJ chose History. Just as I was about to close the door I saw a swarm of about twenty girls running down the alley. One saw me and stopped in her tracks, the others mimicked her.

"You haven't seen four guys by any chance run down here?"

This was my chance to get the fans off the boys trail. So I decided to play along.

"Yeah I did, they ran down here and took a left, they couldn't have gotten far."

The girls let out an excited squeal and just continued running down the alley. However one girl, she couldn't be much taller than me stayed where she was. Had she seen through my deception? I thought I had these fan girls fooled.

"Are you Rachel Watts?"

I was taken aback that this girl knew my name. She must have read the confusion on my face because she broke out in a smile.

"I watch your channel, I love your videos. I was in your first ten subscribers."

This was a new experience for meeting a fan, I'd never been to any of the YouTube events so unless a fan recognised me on the street I pretty much flew under the radar.

"Can I get a picture with you?"

I simply nodded and the girl pulled out her phone. It was then I snapped out of my thoughts, I didn't even know this girls name.

"What's your name?"

I crouched down so I could get in the camera shot.

"I'm Ruby, do you work here?"

I nodded and she took the photo before standing up.

"I better catch up with my friends. I'll keep your secret Rachel."


Did I have a secret? Ruby laughed and pointed over my shoulder to where Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ had all leant their heads out. I chuckled along with her.

"Ah that secret, thanks Ruby."

She waved and trotted off in the direction her friends ran. Ruby was sweet and she was one of my first subscribers which was awesome. Anyway now I had to deal with the four guys hiding in my bookshop.

I closed the front door and took a couple of deep breaths before I walked towards the guys. Chris was leaning against one of the bookcases, Dan was perched on the counter, and Phil was sitting on my stool while PJ was looking at my laptop. They had clearly made themselves at home.

"For people who wanted to hide, poking your head out to a girl who could be a crazy fan girl probably wasn't your smartest move."

Dan shrugged his shoulders.

"She didn't seem that crazy to me."

"Do you care about out safety Rachel?"

Chris put his hand on his chest and shot me puppy dog eyes. I shook my head and folded my arms over my chest.

"No. I care more about the books and my own safety."

Chris mocked hurt while Dan and Phil chuckled behind him. PJ looked up from my laptop and smirked, I hated to admit it but it made him more attractive.

"Boys looks like we have ourselves another youtuber."

What do you guys think will happen next?

How would you react if the Fantastic Foursome turned up in your shop? (If you owned a shop)

Expect more DRAMA to come :) I just love me some good DRAMA!!!

Bookshop Encounters (Chris Kendall/Crabstickz) Bk 1: FF SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant