Chapter 30 (Please Wake up)

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Jack's POV

We stood out on the balcony watching Jake go through the crowd of girls. We laughed at the site of Jake getting flustered by all the people touching him and grabbing at him. Suddenly he took off in one direction pushing through the crowd and soon he was at the edge of the mass of bodies. He stepped out and turned around, probably to see where he was.

"WATCH OUT!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

Jake turned around just in time to see the car coming for him and we watched as the car slammed into him pushing him back, and watched him hit the street with a hideous thud. All the guys scrammbled to call the police and help Jake, but I couldn't move, I just stood there looking at Jake's motionless body. He could be dead all because of me, all because of the accident I caused.

-2 weeks later-

I only left the hospital 3 times in the past 2 weeks and that was only to get new clothes after the last ones got really bad that I couldn't wear them, I needed to be there if he ever woke up. I still remember exactly what happened on day 1.


We waited in the waiting room to hear if Jake was okay. I sat there with my head in my hands next to Shawn who was doing the same. All the other guys were trying to be strong for us, but we knew they were just as bad as us inside.

"Is anyone here for Jacob Peterson?" All 6 of us stood and I yelled we are.

"Is he okay doctor?" I asked hoping the answer was yes.

"Well you're friend is in a coma after hitting his head on the street. He has 3 broken ribs and his shoulder is dislocated. We can't tell you anything else about his condition until he wakes up, if he wakes up at all. He may have a concusion or brain damage." The doctor told us. Everyone broke down after hearing this news.


"He's in a coma." Cam told them with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god is he going to wake up?" Carter said shocked putting a hand on his chest. We all turned to the doctor for him to tell us.

"Well his brain waves are weak enough to say no, but also strong enough to say yes. He has an equal chance of waking up as he does of dying in the process." The doctor told Carter and Matt.

"GUY'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?" This time Mary and Mahogany ran in. The doctor walked away so he wouldn't have to explain the story anymore.

"Jake's in a coma and we don't know if he'll wake up or if he'll die." Jack J told Mary and Mahongay because no one else could say anything. Mahogany instantly broke down and fell to the floor in tears, Nash went down next to her and wrapped her in a hug and Mary hugged Shawn and cried in his shoulder and he cried in hers. All this is my fault. All this heartbreak, all the pain, all this suffering is my fault.

*Flashback ends*

I couldn't leave. I went in to see him again. I walk in to see him the same way he's been for the last 14 days. All those tubes coming out of him and the monitor beaping to the rythem of his heart. Shawn holding his hand with his head down. I sat down on the bench next to Shawn, who was probably still mad at me.

"How's he doing?" I asked awkwardly.

"Same way he's been this whole time." He didn't look at me, he kept his gaze on Jake.

"I can't believe this happened." I walked to the other side of the bed and grabbed his other hand.

"I can't either. I also can't believe it was all because of you." Shawn looked up at me.

Those words hit like daggers right through the heart. "I didn't know this would happen to him." I told Shawn.

"Well what did you expect? He would just say 'hi' to all those people and come back in? No, you  knew he would get swarmed and that's ultimately why this happened. He was getting away from the people you made him go see!" Shawn stood up and yelled at me now.

"Look here Shawn! I was the one who vowed to keep him safe and that's exactly what I did, why would I purposely put him in a situation that I knew he would get hurt in?" I stood up to match him, but I didn't let go of Jake's hand.

"You tell me. Why did you?" Shawn flatly asked.

I walked up to Shawn and was about to punch him in the face until my hand was pulled back my Mahogany who just walked in.

"What's all this yelling about?" Mahogany asked confused.

Shawn and I didn't answer we just took our spots next to Jake again and grabbed his hands. I could have sworn I felt him squeeze my hand but I knew my mind was palying tricks on me.

"So guys, I know you're not going to want to hear this but the parents are thinking about pulling the plug on him." She started crying.

"Why?!" I was sad and mad at the news. I never met the parents they only came by once because they live so far away.

"There has been a lot of activity from the part of the brain that makes you feel pain. He's in pain Jack!" She looked at me and wrapped me in a hug. This time I knew I felt him squeezing my hand, it was a lot more forceful.

"GUY'S HE'S SQUEEZING MY HAND!" I yelled. Mahogany moved my hand and Shawn stood up. Mahogany replaced my hand with hers.

"Jake's it's Mahogany can you squeeze my hand too?" Soon her face lit up and she smiled and wrapped him in a hug. Shawn was next.

"Jake it's Shawn will you squeeze my hand please?" He was pleading with him.

"I'll do better than that." Jake said in a hoarse voice and he grabbed Shawn and pulled him down and kissed him.

Jake's POV

I just laid here all day and all night. I heard what people say and I felt what they do. People came and talked to me everyday and I heard every single word. Shawn and Jack I heard from the most. Jack always talked about how this was all his fault and he shouldn't have told me to go out in the street. Shawn usually talked about how eventhough we've been dating for a short time he can't imagine life without me. I tried and tried to say something, move, breath, something, but it just didn't happen. Shawn was in here with me holding onto my hand.

"How's he doing?" I heard another voice come into the room.

"Same way he's been this whole time." Shawn answered.

"I can't believe this happened." It was Jack G. Alright I'm moving once and for all. As I tried to muster up the strength to move I pushed and I didn't move but it hurt like hell. Yes everytime I tried to move it hurt. Jack and Shawn were yelling at eachother fighting about me. I have to stop this, but I can't.

"What's all the yelling about?" Mahogany was here. YAY! Oh wait a second she doesn't know I'm excited.

"So guys, I know you're not going to want to hear this but the parents are thinking about pulling the plug on him." She started crying.

"Why?" Jack asked. I wondered the same thing. I wasn't going to wait, I'm moving if it's the last thing I do. I took a breath and I pushed with all my might and I kept pushhing on the darkness and kept pushing until the darkness faded away. Did I just die? I felt someone's hand. No I didn't die. I squeezed the hand I was holding onto.

"GUY'S HE'S SQUEEZING MY HAND!" Jack yelled. Mahogany's hand was soon gripping mine.

"Jake's it's Mahogany can you squeeze my hand too?" I squeezed it for her to know I was okay.

"Jake it's Shawn will you squeeze my hand please?" I felt him grab onto the same hand. I was not going to just squeeze his hand.

"I'll do better than that." I squeaked out. I shot up and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me and pressed my lips up against his. 

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