Chapter 22 (Change of Plans)

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Cam's POV

Me, Nash, Jake, Maddie and Jack's were all in the living room deciding what to watch for our movie night.

"Let's watch something scary." Jack G blurted out.

"No way! I want to watch a muscial." Shawn put his suggestion out there.

"Me too!" Jake and Maddie said in unison.

"Of course the singers want to watch a musical." I told them.

"Hey we're singers too." Jack J pointed to himself and Jack G.

"You know what this didn't work out how 'bout we just go out?" Nash suggested.

"Yeah we can get different movies while we're out and then decide on one tomorrow." I agreed and so did everyone else.

"I passed a bar that looks like a lot of fun!" Maddie perked up.

"I'm not drinking!" Jake yelled.

"You won't have to, I don't think any of us plan on drinking." Shawn mentioned.

"Yeah, I mean Gilinsky is a lush but maybe he can hold back." I laughed.

"Ah shut up!" Jack G taking offense to his joke.

"Let's go it's only 2 blocks away." Maddie jumped off the couch and headed for the door.

"Good we won't have to run as far this time." Jake exchanged looks with Shawn and laughed.

"Hey yeah you never told us about that." I wanted details.

"Well we were walking back from McDonalds..." Shawn started.

"Our date." Jake interupted.

"Yeah. And we looked behind us and we saw this crowd of girls following us. So I asked Jake how many blocks til we get back and he said 7. Then I told him we're running 7 blocks so that they won't know where you live. I means they know the building but not the actual room. So we ran all 7 blocks until we got back and every girl just starts pounding on the door so we went back upstairs hoping they would leave sooner or later." Shawn ended the story.

"Well good thing they didn't get in." Nash ran up to us, "That would be bad."

"Here it is guys!" Maddie yelled from the front.

It looked like a regular hole in the wall bar. Nothing special. We walk in and there is a few people at the bar and some people at the booths. The 7 of us take 2 seperate booth's next to eachother. There was karaoke machine with some weird guy singing a horrible version of "Love On Top." I wanted to strangle him for ruining Beyoncé's music.

"Hey Shawn you should sing." I looked behind me and to the booth Shawn, Jake and Maddie were sitting at.

"I'll sing if Jake sings with me." Everyone eyes fell on Jake to see what he would say.

"I'll only do it if Maddie does it with us." Now all eyes were on Maddie.

"Alright!" Maddie cheerfully shouted.

"What should we sing?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know many songs that have 3 people." Maddie looked down thinking.

"If we had 4 people I know a lot more songs like that." Jake's eyes lifted, "Jack's, Cam, Nash. We need one of you to sing with us." That didn't sound like a question, and even if it was I would say no. All of us denied even the Jack's. They just weren't feeling it was their excuse.

"Well I bet we could sing like Band Perry or something?" Jake shrugged.

"Hey yeah. Let sing "Better Dig Two." Maddie smiled.

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