Chapter 8 (The Event: Part 2)

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Cam's POV

This was Jake's 1st event and he was already getting the crowd hyped up for us. I could tell he feeds off other peoples energy and that turns him into a party animal. The usual stuff happened on stage like the lipgloss dance, the nae nae, and shawn sang, but we were planning something bigger and better for the newest member.

"Hey Jake stand here!" I called from across the stage to Jake.

He ran up to me, "What's up?" He smiled.

"Take a selfie with me, but turn this way so we don't get the crowd in it." I put my arm around him and pulled up the camera. He smiled at the camera but in the background of the picture all the guys are coming at us with pies ready to throw them in Jake's face. I waited. Suddenly I felt 9 different pies all hit my face at the same time. Jake and all the others started laughing.

"Guys I thought we agreed to pie him?" I pointed to Jake trying to get the pie out of my face.

"Yeah, but you didn't think I would hear about it and decide to turn the whole thing on you, did you?" Jake laughed.

"I'm going to remember this!" I taunted with a devilish smile.

"I'm shaking" Jake said sarcastically.

(A/N: I don't know how Magcon works but this is how i picture it working)

Now it was time for my favorite part; the picture half of the show. I went to my little section and I was paired with Nash, like always. The fans got in the line for the people they wanted to meet and then went to another line to meet someone else. I looked at the line that formed for us and it looked surprisingly small. Then I looked to my left and saw Jake and Mahogany's line and it was to the back of the hotel all the way on the other side of the room and getting bigger. I couldn't believe how much the fans wanted to meet him.

"HEY CAM!!!" A girl hyperventalated as she came up to us.

She had a brown hair in a ponytail and green eyes with a blue magcon sweater.

"Hey gorgeous" I told her as I said to all my fans. But this time I was sincere about the gorgeous part.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked me after our pictures and autographs.

"Sure." I responded hoping it wouldn't hold up the line.

"Is the new guy gay? Because the security gaurd is letting him kiss girls on the lips." She told me.

I was stunned. Bart made a big deal out of us not kissing girls on the lips because that is sexual harassment. And here comes Jacob Peterson and he is kissing every girl in his line.

"Well yeah. but he's not supposed to be kissing people on the lips. That's not allowed." I told her with a little attitude.

"Well he's doing it and all the girls are loving it." She walked away.

I looked over and saw him kiss a girl on the lips and take a picture like that, but the friend of the girl said she missed it and he did it again. I couldn't believe my eyes. Now his line was to the back wall and turning so more people could get in. I looked at our line and noticed it was done.

"This is the 1st time our line has been empty." Nash whispered to me.

"Yeah, it looks like Jake took all of our buisness." I told him, not taking my eyes off his line.

Nash joined in and looked at his line with me.


"Yeah I was just as suprised as you." I answered his question.

Some girls were taking pictures with them holding hands, or on his back or him holding them upside down. But most girls ask him to kiss them and he kept kissing them on the lips.

"I'm going over there and asking him what Bart told him!" I stormed out of my line and over to his.

I jumped right in front and into his little section that was just like mine. Him and Mahogany haven't seen me inside the mass of people waiting.

"Hey Jake can you kiss Mahogany?" The girl in his section asked.

I froze. He wasn't going to do it was he? He gave a questioning look to Mahogany and laughed. Then he stepped closer to her and leaned in. Then his lips met hers and the girls in line screamed and took pictures all at the same time. He pulled away and now it was time to go back on stage because I heard over the speakers. "Everyone return to the stage area. Pictures are over." Some of the girls in line were disapointed that they didn't get their picutre with him but him and Mahogany were heading back to the stage.

Jake's POV

I couldn't believe how much attention my line got compared to everyone else's. I didn't think the fans would so happy to see me, I was kinda scared they wouldn't like me at all. I got back on stage and waited for everyone else to get back up. Mahogany left my side and went back to her spot as the DJ and everyone came back to the stage. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Cam.

"Hey!" I said to him.

"What was that?!" Cam asked me clearly mad.

"What was what?!" I answered back with attitude.

"You stuck to the faces of almost all the girls there!" He was talking louder than i thought.

"They wanted me to kiss them, and it doesn't matter I'm gay so they think it's sweet." I told him wondering why he was so mad.

"Bart said that if we kiss the girls on the lips that it's sexual harassment if we did!" He informed me his side.

"Well Bart told me that if I kissed girls on the lips it's fine because they won't care, and he informed my bodygaurd type thing the same thing, so with that in place it sounds to me like I'm fine!" We were now yelling at eachother and drawing an audiance.

"Well guess what there wouldn't be any feelings if I kissed them on the lips either but I still can't!" He didn't even notice the people watching us.

"Yeah but you're not gay so the fans might think OMG HE KISSED ME! HE'S SO IN LOVE WITH ME!" The fans cheered at that and I knew I was winning.

"Guys what's going on? You kinda stopped the show." Jack Gilinsky stepped in trying to defuse the situation and Shawn was coming over also.

"Whatever, I'll talk to Bart after the show and see exactly what he says. I need to hear it from his mouth." He walked away.

Jack and Jack and Shawn all stayed close to me for the remainder of the show.

"I'm surprised you didn't punch him in the face like you were going to do to Nash?" Jack Johnson told me with a smirk.

"I don't see why he's so mad! Bart said, that if the fans want a kiss on the lips I could give it to them. So I did." I told him.

"We know we all got the text from him today. He must have forgotten to send one to Cameron is probably all it is, and everything will be back to normal once he talks to Bart." Shawn jumped in trying not to set me off again.

"I hope so." I said blankly. Hoping that I wouldn't have another rival in this group.

But it does seem like Jack Johnson has my back too so my amount of people who I know like me is growing and soon Cameron or Nash can't stay mad because I'll have everyone on my my side. There's strength in numbers.

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