Chapter 6 (The Angels)

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Jake's POV

I woke next to my old friend Maddie actually, she was in my arms for some reason. I must have roolled over in the middle of the night and grabbed onto her. I looked at my phone and it was 6:30am. Why was I awake so early? I walked to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and noticed I looked great. The bags under my eyes were gone and besides for one brown patch of hair sticking up in the back of my head I was good. I went out and grabbed clothes and went back in the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done with my shower I go to the sink to brush my teeth. I finish brushing my teeth and brushing my hair then put on my clothes. (It was supposed to be fast because he's a guy). I walked out and see Maddie awake talking to Mahogany.

"So basically there's a stage half and a picture half the first part is us on stage doing our thing and then after that we take pictures with all the fans while a few people do stuff on stage and then everone is back on stage and we do our thing again." Mahogany was tellling Maddie.

Mahogany looked at me and smiled, "Oh hey Jake I was just telling Maddie about Magcon and how it works."

"Yeah it sounds weird." she said turning to me.

I heard a knock at the door and answered it and standing there was Jack Gilinsky, Mary, Shawn and Matt.

"Hey guys what's up!" I said cheerily.

"Well Mary told us that there was another girl here in this room you player." Matt smiled at em.

"No I told you that an old friend of ours is in Jake's room."

"Well where is she I want to see this new girl." Jack Gilinsky told me clapping his hands together.

"She's right in here." I moved letting everyone in the room.

Everyone stepped in the room eager to see the girl that they already met last night.

"Oh it's you hi again." Matt said once he saw her face.

"Yeah she's the old friend of mine, you know Nash's date." I realized everyone thought it was a different girl.

"Well that was a lot less exciting than I thought." Jack Gilinsky moped, "By the way you, me and Shawn need to do a sound check around 12 okay?"

"Why you, me and Shawn?" I asked Jack

"Because I sing, the Jack's sing and you need to learn how to do it." Shawn told me.

"Alright." I gave in.

We all satyed in my room hanging out until 12. Everyone floated in as they woke up. First was Jack Johnson, then Cam, then Carter but Nash wasn't awake when I went down with Shawn and Jack to do the sound check. We all assumed that he was in the shower or something and we would come back up after to get him for the show.

"So we put these speakers in the back so people can hear the show all the way from the back. So help me with this." Jack told me and I held the speaker up while he screwed it in on the pole. "There that was the last one." Jack said dropping his arms.

"Hey can I asked you something Jack?" I asked him after we were done.

"Sure go ahead."

"Yesterday, when me and Nash had the fight, why were you the only one who tired to defuse it before it started?" I asked him seriously.

"What?" He asked me not remembering the whole ordeal.

"When I siad 'WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE' you were the only one to get up and told us to take a step back. Why were you the only one to do that."

"Oh that!" He remembered, "I just don't want any of us to have a fight because that will make everything awkward and uncomfortable." He lied.

"Jack I can read faces and you just lied to me." I smiled stepping towards him. I was almost at eye level with him.

He sighed, "Fine, the first day we met you when you came with Bart. Once everyone saw Mary everyone thought they were going to end up with her but I vowed to myself that I would keep you two safe because you being gay can cause fights between you and the guys and Mary being pretty can cause fights between the guys themsleves and I wont let that happen." He ended and this time it was the truth. I was about to say something when we heard a loud crash from backstage. Me and Jack ran towards the noise to see what happened. When we rounded the corner we saw Shawn on the floor like he fell.

"Shawn are you okay?" I said helping him up.

"Yeah but some dumbass put this cord here and while I was carring the mic stands I tripped over it and hit my head on someones guitar case." He told us getting up.

"Yeah that dumbass was me, I put the cord there to set up the speakers, I was going to plug it in when the show started." Jack confessed.

"And you hit your head on my guitar case." I told Shawn raising my hand.

"I didn't know you played guitar." Shawn smiled at me

"You never asked." I gave a smart remark.

"Well come with me and help me set up the mic stands Jack go set up the tables." Shawn ordered and Jack ran off backstage and went to set up the tables.

"So what you do is put the mic stands where everyone can see them but not where they'll get in anyones way during the show." Shawn told me almost coaching me through mic stand placement.

"Soooooooo here?" I asked putting a mic stand off the side of the stage.

"Yeah there is good, help me with the others." He asked me.

"Hey Shawn can I ask you something?" I needed too ask him a question also.

"What is it?" He responded.

Yesterday during the fight why did you hold me back while everyone else watched?" I asked just like when I asked Jack.

"What?" He also didn't know exactly what I was talking about.

"When I took at step and raised my fist to punch Nash you held my hand back can threw me on the bed so I wouldn't hit him. Everyone else just watched, why didn't you?" I asked staring directly into his eyes.

"Oh yeah well, I have gay friends back home I understand where you're coming from when someone talks about your homosexuality in a negative way. I made sure that you wouldn't blow up because that is a bad scene. So I'm making sure that you are kept leveled but also treated no differently." This time he told me the truth the first time unlike Jack.

"Thank you Shawn, I really apprecaite it." I sincerely told him.

"YO SHAWN THE TABLES ARE SET UP. ARE WE READY TO GO BACK YET?" Jack called from the other end of the room.


We went back to the elevator to go back to out rooms before the event started. In the elevator I borke the cliche silence.

"Guys I really want to thank both of you for being the only to people who so far are actually looking out for me, but I don't want to feel like you have to. Only help me if you want to." I told them.

"We don't, we need to keep the gang together no matter what comes our way." Jack said.

Shawn sighed. "What Jack just tried to say is that it's in everybody's best intrest if we keep everyone together and not have any fights."

"Yeah, Shawn had better way with words than me." Jack mentioned

"Thanks guys." I said pulling both of them into a group hug. They didn't pull away either they knew what I was trying to say and went along with it. And I was standing there in the elevator hugging my 2 angels.

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