Chapter 2 (The Arrival)

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Matt's POV

I was lying on my stomach on my bed in the hotel we were staying at. Everyone decided to gather in my room but since we didn't have set room mates I couldn't really be mad because no one knew where they were supposed to go. The past 3 days have been hectic knowing that the new, and apparently, gay member was coming over to meet all of us for the first time. All the boys posted a tweet about the "Mystery Magcon Mebmber" spawning the trending hastags, #MMM #MysteryMagconMember and #NewMagconBoy. Everyone was waiting for there to be a knock on the door and have Bart walk in with this Jacob Peterson guy.

Jake's POV

Was I neverous to meet the guys? Yes. But luckily for me I had backup. A beautiful friend of mine, Mary Rose, she was my best girlfriend and she'll ease my nerves. The elevator got to the top floor and Bart led me and Mary to the guys rooms. We followed the noise to room 963. Bart told me and Mary to stay outisde while he went in first. He knocked on the door and Nash came to the door and answered it and let Bart in. Leaving me and Mary outside to wait while he talked to them.

Bart's POV

"Alright boys the wait is over, I have Jake here and he's outisde waiting to come in." I said trying not to sound anxious.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let him in!" Mahogany yelled.

"Actually that's sorta why I came in first" I explained nervously. All the boys had confusion all over their faces. I continued, "I told him if he wanted to bring someone so he wasn't alone he could, and he brought a very pretty girl with him. I'm just saying in advance, boys keep your pants on and I mean that in the literal sense too." The boys laughed an nodded their heads. So I turned around to have Jake come in without his friend first.

Jake POV

Bart stuck his head out the door and said, "Jake, their ready to meet you, but have your friend come in later." I had Mary stay outside while I greeted the guys. My stomach was doing back flips as I took the first steps into the room. As I walked further into the room more of the boys came into my view. Matt was laying on his stomach on the bed closest to the door with Carter next to him. Jack and Jack were on the bed across the room looking at their phones, but they immediatly looked up when I walked in the room. Nash and Cam were sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, Nash of course was on Cam's lap. Shawn was sitting on the widowsill the back of the room and Mahogany was at the desk they had in the room sitting on the table.

Bart intorduced me first, "Everyone, this is Jacob Peterson" the guys all said hi at basically the same time and I answered back with a casual hey. Bart left right after I said hey to go get Mary from the hallway.

"So Jake I hear that you are..." Nash started, but stopped when his eyes fell on my friend. She walked in flipping her long, blonde hair out her face. She stands 5'9 (way taller than me) and was wearing black jeans with studs all over the back pockets and a tight pink top that hugged her body shape that made her blue eyes pop.

"HELLO" Mary screamed, making her prensence known.

"Hey hey hey" Jack Gilinsky was the first to get the courage to speak to either of them.

"Hey" I said answering back.

Bart came up behind them and pointed to each of the guys saying their names eventhough both of us knew who everyone was.

"Don't you worry Bart" I said, with the sterotypical "gay" voice "I know all these guys by name, wait a minute where's Taylor and Aaron,?"

Matt was the only one to tell him, "he dropped out of the tour because he didn't want to meet you."

"Well that's fine, I didn't like those two anyways." Mary pronounced to everyone.

So apperently I'm not off to a very good start with these guys considering that I already made two of them leave.

"Well it's great to meet all of you, it's weird though, I feel like I know all of you because I've been following you all for awhile." I said trying to contain myself.

"Are going to introduce me yet Jake" Mary blurted out.

"Everyone I would like you to meet my best girfriend, Mary Rose." I told everyone as she smiled as pretty as she could.

"GIRLFRIEND" Cam and Nash said in unison.

"Guys I know Bart told you I was gay. Girlfriend just means best friend and could also be a male or female." I explained giving them their first lesson in gay vocabulary. "And guys...she's single"

"And ready to mingle" Mary cut in finishing my sentence. Causing all the boys and Mahogany to laugh.

Bart was just standing there quietly admiring how great we were all getting along so smoothly. "well I'm sure you guys are tired from plane ride over here, so I'm going to leave and let the guys tell you who you're rooming with." And with that Bart left the room.

"So guys, who's my room mate" again accidently using the stereotypical gay voice.

"Well actually we were going to have you decide because we thought you should have the choice" Shawn spoke up, explaining to him what we decided. "The Jacks are already sharing a room and so are Nash and Cam. So your choices are Me, Matt, Carter and Mahogany. So who do you want to room with?"

"Well that's a lot of responsibilty to take but..." I started examining all the guys faces Matt was gorgeous and I wouldn't mind sharing a room with him, Carter looked kinda cute but not the one I wanted to room with. Then there was Shawn, he was so gorgeous and he was around my age. But when I looked at Mahogany I instantly felt like she was the most relateable person I could be around.

"I CHOOSE MAHOGANY!" I yelled and Mahogany jumped off the table and ran to me giving me a big bone crushing hug and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room with more force than I thought she had leading me to our room.

Mary's POV

After seeing Mahogany drag my only friend out of the room, I had to make conversation with the boys.

"I guess I have no where to sleep" I said looking at the floor.

"NONSENSE" everyone yelled scaring me bit. "YOU STILL HAVE MATT, SHAWN AND CARTER TO BE ROOM MATES WITH." Jack Johnson yelled from across the room.

"Or she can room with us" Nash said getting off Cam's lap, "she can share a bed with me."

"No thank you. I'd prefer to have my own bed." As I contemplated who to choose.

"I CHOOSE SHAWN!" And just like Mahogany, Shawn ran to me and pulled me out the room, leading me to our room.

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