Chapter 25 (Jack and Jack's Interview)

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Mary's POV

Jake was in there for an awfully long time with Jack and we wondered what was taking them so long.

"So Jack?" I said turning to Jack G stilll trying to figure the situation out, "what's your relationship with Jake?"

He looked at me confused. "That's a weird ass question." He said turning away, "I guess a friend?"

"How good of friends? Like best friends, or good friends or friends with benefits?" I nagged him.

He quickly shot me a dirty look. "No we're not friends with benefits! We're just good friends." He was getting angry so I let the coversation stop there. The door to the room opened up and Jake came out. He gave us a very dramatic speech that I didn't listen to, and then Jack came out of the room and my mouth hit the floor. He was gorgeous! He was hot! He was a hunk! Forget Shawn, if I can get a guy like this then why settle for Shawn. I walk up to him and start circling him getting a closer look.

"Well well well, who is this new kid?" I said sexily.

"Thanks to Jake, I'm looking as good as ever." He grabbed the collar of the jacket and walked away. Clearly he wasn't interested...maybe he was one of the gay ones. He sat down on the couch and Cam quickly took the spot next to him.

"I've never seen you looking so sharp." Cam smiled at him.

"Yeah. You like what you see?" Was he flirting with him?

"I do and I'd like to see a lot more." He was flirting with him.

"What time is it?" Jack J asked when he was done with Cam.

"8:30am" Jack G answered looking at his watch.

Jack G was wearing a basic green button down shirt and khakis and he did look good, but not as good as Johnson.

"Do I dress people well or what?" Jake asked looking for everyone's input.

"Jake you are a fashion genius if you turned him into that!" Maddie yelled pointing at Jack J.

"HEY!" Jack J fired back.

"Oh, don't take it personally." Maddie answered.

Shawn went up to Jake and whispered something in his ear, and I got closer so I could hear.

"He looks great but you always look better to me." Shawn whispered making Jake smile. Cameron turned on the TV, and the news was on.

"There is absolute panadamonium outside on this sidewalk, where a mob of teenage girls have gathrered under this city block for reasons unknown." The reporter started talking, "The mass of people has grown so big that the city had to shut down the block where the mob has conversed and still no reason why. The girls keep shouting the names, Cam, Nash, Jake and Shawn up toward the apartments above the shops. And it appears someone has come out onto the balcony and the crowd is in a frenzy."

I looked out to the balcony and noticed Jake opened the door and stepped out to see a mob of girls underneath the apartment building. Everyone made their way out onto the balcony with Jake and Nash hit Jake lightly.

"Nice work Jake and Shawn now they know where we live!"

"How are we going to make our interview?" Jack G asked looking at the girls.

"You'll have to use the back exit as long as that isn't blocked too." Cam said to him. We all went back inside the apartment to hopefully make the girls leave but they stayed until it was time for Jack and Jack to go.

Jake's POV

"These fans are crazy!" Shawn said holding onto me.

"I know look at all of them." I looked over the balcony again and the crowd only got bigger, we realized we needed to call the police. I dialed up 9-1-1 and put the phone to my ear.

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