Chapter 11 (The Departure)

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Nash's POV

Today was the day we leave from St. Louis and go to the next city for the next Magcon meeting. This was one of the few times we are going from one city to the next, Usually we get to go home for 2-3 days to visit our family and friends, but this week that wasn't the case. I decided to take a second from packing to check what Gwen had done with the headshots she took of Me, Cam and Jake. I got out my phone and typed in, "" When the site showed up, all I saw was the same website that was there yesterday. I decided to call Gwen to see if she forgot or if there is a delay or something.

"Hello?" I heard Gwen pickup the phone.

"Hey Gwen, it's Nash." I told her into my phone.

"NASH!" She was back to the Gwen I knew, "WHAT'S UP!"

She was starting to hurt my ear drums, so I had to get to the point quick before I went deaf.

"So I looked on the Magcon site and noticed that the site was the same as yesterday. So I was wondering if you forgot to work on it or something?" I asked hoping she would just answer and not try to drag on conversation.

"Well, we got it done yesterday pretty fast, but Jake told me to take it down right after he saw it." She answered.

"Why would he do that?" I was seriously confused.

"I wouldn't know what was going through his head, but if you want to know you could ask him." She told me.

"I will but right now I have to keep packing because we leave today."

"Alright, I'll leave you then, but come and visit me sometime." She told me hopfully.

"I will Gwen." I lied, "Bye doll face." I loved nicknames like that.

Why would Jake take down the article about us? I bet he just wanted me to get no recognition. That's it, he was only in it for himself and when the article was about me and not him he had Gwen take it down. Well I'm going to have a nice little chat with Jake about this, and blood may be involved.

Jake's POV

I was still pretty mad about that nasty article about Nash and Cam. I just wanted it to be a nice little introduction to the group and instead they named me "The Newest Face of Magcon.'' It made me feel sick hearing that phrase now. Mahogany was packing next to me not saying a word, I knew it had something to do with the website.

"Mahogany, you're so quiet." I tried to spark up conversation.

"It's just what you let them do. I thought you were different." she didn't even look at me.

"I didn't let them do that. They did that behind my back." I defended myslef.

"Right, but before they put up an article they send you the layout and what's going to be said and ask for your approval, and you gave it to them." Now she was glaring at me like I was a monster.

"They never sent me anything about the article, they just put that up." I looked her dead in the eyes to show I wasn't lying.

Her angered face fell and noticed I was sincere.

"They are supposed to send you a layout of the article..." She was looking down obviously thinking about what I said. "THAT'S IT!" Clearly whatever she thought came to her. "You're new and they didn't send you the layout because they knew you didn't know that. So they could just post whatever they want." She seemed so proud for cracking this mystery.

"Well now that I know that, I'm going to be sure that nothing like that gets posted again." I sternly stated.

Mahogany looked at me the way she used to and gave me a gentle hug.

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