Chapter 16 (Magcon Lafayette: Part 1)

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Mary's POV

I woke up in a bed. That's all I knew. I didn't know who's bed or what room or with who. I could asnwer the question of with who by turning over but I was still so tired. I decided to suck it up and turn around. I see Carter is in the same bed as me and Matt is in the bed next to us; alone. Why was I in Carter's room and in bed with Carter? Why wasn't I with my newly confessed romantic instrest Shawn. I tried replaying last nights events in my head and they just weren't coming. I reached over Carter and my hand slipped and I fell right on top of him making him wake up instantly.

"Hey Mary." He said in his morning voice.

"Hey Carter. I didn't mean to wake you I was grabbing my phone." Still laying across his body.

"It's not that bad of a sight waking up with you on top of me" He laughed and I blushed.

I got my phone and went through my pictures hoping to find something, but it appeared I took no pictures. I then went on twitter to see if anything could jog my memory. I came across a picture of me on Shawn"s lap with him kissing me on the lips. I knew that happened already. I continued to scroll through the pictures and found a picture of Jake and Jack Gilinsky making out with Jack's tongue halfway down Jake's throat. I had to show this to Jake or Jack and I jumped out of bed and noticed I didn't have a shirt on so I went to Carter's suitcase and grabbed an oversized Magcon sweatshirt and through it on and ran to his room. The door was propped open...of course and I ran in and all I saw was Shawn asleep and Nash alseep with Maddie. The only place he would have gone is Mahogany and I's room. I ran down the hallway past the elevators and to my front door. This door wasn't propped open but I did have the key in my back pocket. I put the key in the slot and burst through the door and saw Mahogany on her bed and Jake in my bed watching E! news, and smiling.

"JAKE! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" He was clearly surprised by my comment but his facial expression didn't change.

"I don't know what happened last night." He said sitting and still as a statue.

"TAKE A LOOK AT THIS PICTURE I FOUND!!!" He and Mahogany exchanged glaces as he looked at my phone.

"HAHA hey that's a pretty good photo shopper." He said fake laughing. "Don't worry Maddie even if I was drunk I wouldn't make out with Jack!"

"What about me?" Jack Johnson walking through our door.

"Not you Johnson. Other Jack." Mahogany glanced at him.

"What about me?" Jack Gilinsky who was following close behind.

"Someone photo shopped a picture of you and me making out." Jake tossed him my phone and he looked at it laguhed. "They did a pretty good job!" He handed the phone back to me.

My glare landed on Mahogany, I knew that she remembered everything that happened.

"Do you remember anything, Mahogany." I asked her.

"WOULD YOU PLEASE PLEASE NOT TALK SO LOUD!" Jack Johnson yelled covering his ears. He was still hungover

"What are you going to do about the girls at Magcon, their loud as it is and you've seen how big the crowds have gotten." Jake asked him stopping my question.

"I'll be less hungover by then, now Jack here I don't know." He laughed and playfully punched him.

"I'll be fine." Gilinsky threw his hands in the air.

"You never answered my question Mahogany." I was pestering her.

"I saw Jake go out on the dance floor with Maddie and then he danced by himself and I got him to go back to the hotel." She didn't miss a beat, "But I did see you making out with Shawn and that wasn't photo shopped." She turned this around.

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