Chapter 29 (The Unthinkable)

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Jake's POV

Since we played "Truths" yesterday we had to play "Dares" today, that's the rules. I was slightly nervous to play dares with Shawn, Nash, Cam, Jack J, Jack G and Maddie, I didn't know what they were capable of in games like this.

"Alright is everybody ready?" Nash asked everyone asked everyone.

"Yup!" Everyone responded.

"So who goes 1st?" I asked Nash.

"We spin this bottle." He pointed to a bottle in the middle of the floor that I didn't even notice was there. Nash spun. The bottle went around and around until it finally slowed and stopped on Cam. Oooo this ought to be good, I thought. Nash put his fingers on his chin to look like he was thinking.

"I dare you to take your belt off and let Jack J whip you with it 5 times."

"Where the fuck did that come from! This is some freaky bondage shit." Cam yelled.

"If you don't want to do it then you're out.'' Maddie stared at him.

"Fine." He sighed taking off his belt. He and Jack J stood up and Cam handed him the belt.

"Everyone count off!" Nash yelled.

Smack! "1!" Smack "2!" Smack "3!" Smack "4!" Smack "5!"

"Sounds like our other vine account." Jack J said once they were done.

Cam lifted up his shirt and past his denfined and chiseled abs were 5 welts in the shape of a belt. He sat back down without his belt and spun the bottle. It spun until it stopped tried playing it off to show I'm not nervous.

"Hmmmmmm I dare you to let Maddie kiss you." Cam glanced at Maddie. Was that all I had to do?

"That's easy!" I yelled. She came up to me and pressed her lips against mine, and you know what I felt. Nothing. Cam stared at us confused at how easy that was.

"No sparks." I flatly stated. I spun the bottle and the neck pointed toward Jack J. Hmmmm, the unlimited posibilties.

"I dare you to give Nash a lap dance!" Everyone clapped.

"Oooooo good one." Jack G said between laughs. Jack seemed recluctant.

"Don't lose this quickly." Shawn spoke out.

Jack J got up and sat on Nash's lap. Soon he started to grind his hips back and fourth. A breath was released from Nash showing he was enjoying himself and Jack was actually doing a good job. He stopped after about 10 seconds. Damn I forgot to specify for how long. Jack put his hands on the bottle and spun it really fast. It finally stopped on Jack G.

"Jack I dare you to keep the promise you made to Shawn last night." Jack J smiled.

"Ummmmmm," He didn't remember, "OH YEAH!"

Jack G grabbed Shawn's face and kissed him forcefully. Shawn's eyes were wide with surprise but soon after they closed and Shawn started kissing back. I felt really jealous, seeing Jack G kiss my Shawn! I was going to get him back. They finally broke the kiss after what felt like hours and Shawn looked at me but I kept my gaze on the floor. He spun the bottle it landed on Nash again.

"Nash take a shot of whiskey." Shawn blurted out. We all knew that Nash couldn't handle the whiskey and it hurt him each time he drank it. I ran to the cupboard and pulled down the bottle of Jack Daniel's and poured it into a shot glass. I took the glass back to Nash who looked concerned. He slowly lifted the glass to his lips and drank the drink. Soon after Nash was coughing and shaking his head in pain. We all laughed at his funny faces and noises. Soon he spun the bottle and it landed on Maddie.

"Maddie take off your shirt." he pointed to her button down flannel which was Cam's.

"Actually that's my shirt." Cam joined in.

"Fine take off Cam's shirt." Nash said.

She pulled it over her head and she was wearing at regular flesh colored bra. Almost immediatly she put it back on. Nash didn't say for how long. Maddie spun the bottle, this time it landed on Cam.

"Cam make out with Jake for the next 2 rounds." I was shocked but then realized she was getting revenge for what Jack did when he kissed Shawn, this was the same thing just with Cam. Cam stood up and sat next to me and pressed his lips against mine. I felt a little something but nothing like when I kissed Shawn. I could only imagine Shawn's face right now. After the bottle landed on 2 different people Cam broke the kiss and sat next to Nash again. He grabbed the bottle now after fulfilling his dare and it spun around and around until it landed on Jack G. Cam thought for a moment.

"Do a body shot off Jack J!" he screamed. They exchanged looks and stood up to get the stuff Jack G grabbed the whiskey since it's all they had, the lime and some salt. Jack J cleared off the coffee table and took off his shirt and layed down. Jack hovered over him and poured the whiskey into his belly button, which made him flex his abs,the poured salt underneath and put a lime in the waistband of his jeans. Jack J closed his eye cause he didn't want see it coming. Jack G shoved his face into Jack stomach without hesitation shocking Jack making him jump up and in the blink of an eye it was done. Jack J put his shirt back on while Jack G spun the bottle again. It landed on me once again.

"Jake I dare you to go outside." Fuck! The girls were out there again and probably wouldn't leave until we left for tour. I slowly got up and sauntered out the door. I walked down the step and they saw me throught the glass door and I took one step out and instantly got clawed at and my clothes getting tugged on. I couldn't see the door anymore because everyone surrounded me from all sides. I pushed through the mass of bodies. I didn't even know direction I was going anymore there were so many people. I found some clear space and walked out to get a grasp of my surrounding. I step out of the glob of screaming girls until I heard someone yell, "WATCH OUT!" I turned to see headlight and then nothing, just blackness.

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