Chapter 1 (The Meeting)

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Nash's POV

All of the guys and Mahogany were in a meeting room around a big table with Bart at the end. About a week ago me, Cam and Carter all decided that we would go back to Magcon after Bart called us all asking if we wanted to come back. We told him what we wanted and he agreed and we were all back together again. Bart was the first to start talking,

"guys we are all offically booked to start a brand new reunion tour" and all the guys cheered." Bart continued with the news, "as you all know this is only going to be the headliners on tour so that means, Nash, no Hayes, Aaron no Dustyn and Mahogany, no Jacob." he said.

"But I was thinking about one last change that will be pretty big." Bart suddenly mentioned. We all looked around at eachother with confused faces.

"I was thinking about adding a new member to Magcon" Bart started, "I already have somebody who said they would do it and they're all ready to come over and be on tour." Everyone just kept looking at Bart waiting for him to tell us who he is.

"He's another vine star, has 500k followers, he's good looking just like all of you guys, but there is one last thing he is gay. And if none of you like that then leave right now!"

Taylor finally spoke up and said, "What! No I didn't sign back on this tour to be told right before it starts that some new member is walking on and as if that weren't enough that he is gay."

Aaron also jumped up and said, "Taylor's right! You can't do this to us Bart he'll get all weird around us and I personally don't want some guy being hot for me while I'm on tour."

Bart wasn't having any of this he just pointed to the door and with that last comment Aaron and Taylor left. We all stood there stunned that Taylor and Aaron left just because of a new member. But it was their choice and now they have to live with it.

"Anyone else?" Bart asked giving everyone look, "good, now that those guys are off the list I can now tell you what my intentions are with this new memeber. I was thinking about with this new tour, fans may not be so fond of all of you coming together again. So we needed one thing that will get the fans to come and want to see you all even more. And what's better than good looking, funny, teenage, boy internet stars? Gay, good looking, funny, teenage boy, internet stars. This will get the fans in frenzy and this will be bigger than any event you guys have done with Magcon" Bart ended.

"Bart can you just please tell us who it is already?" Carter yelled,

"It's Jacob Peterson!" Bart finally revealed.

All the boys were really confused because we've never heard of this guy before and we just glanced at eachother looking to see if anyone showed that they have heard of this guy. No one seemed to know about him and we all pulled out our phones to look him up on vine.

"GUYS STOP!" Bart yelled, we all looked up kinda startled because of how loud he was. "Don't look him up, I don't want any of you to judge him before you meet him. Now he has some things to do back home and will meet you guys 3 days after you all got to the hotel and settled in." Bart told us. "now all of you better hurry to the airport your flight leaves in 4 hours, I'll see you guys in 3 days with Jacob to introduce alll of you to him. Now go before you miss your flight." Everyone got up ready to leave to start going to the airport.

"Oh and one more thing guys! Don't tell the fans who it is. Just say there's going to be a new member." We all left the room and went in the elevator we all finally started talking about the news.

"So what do you guys think about this new gay memeber?" Jack Johnson said.

"I honestly think it's all right, I mean Bart's right the fans are going to want something new and with Taylor and Aaron gone now we do need someone to fill their spots and the fans will be coming to see who the new person is" Matt explained.

"I don't see why he had to mention that he was gay though" Shawn said.

"Because if he didn't and we all found out at the hotel, then people like Taylor or Aaron might have gotten in a fight with this guy and make things worse." I said, "better for them to leave now than after something got ugly." And all the guys agreed with me. And by now we all we at the bottom of the elevator heading out the door.

"Actually I'm excited for this new guy, he might be a lot of fin and really cool!" Carter metioned getting in the limo provided for us to go to the airport.

"yeah! I mean it might be different for me because im a girl, but I actually think that gay guys are better looking and funnier than straight people." Mahogany added.

"Let's just wait until we meet him before we start all these assumptions about a guy who we're not allowed to look into first." Jack Gilinsky said.

"Who's the new guy gonna room with" I asked.

"I think we should let him decide when he gets here because we don't know anything about him, But I'm sure the Jacks will room together and Cam and Nash are rooming together so I guess that leaves Me, Carter, Matt and Mahogany are left for him to choose." Shawn suggested. Everyone loved the idea of having him choose the roommate he had because we didn't want to force anything on him right when he walks through the doors.

"NEXT STOP ST. LOUIS!" Cam cheered and evreyone else joined in when they stopped infront of the airport.


Now the story can get started.

I'm sure some questions you're thinking are: is jacob peterson real? No he's just a name I made up

Why did I cut Taylor and Aaron? because i wanted to shake things up and they seemed to be the most disposeable to me.

Is this going to be a gay fanfic? No. this is going to be a story where a gay guy comes into Magcon and the hurdles they have to jump through.

Magcon ended. Why are they back together in this? Because in the story when Nash, Cam and Carter left Bart called them asking them to come back so for the sake of the story go with it.

How often will i update? Honestly I dont know when ever i find time i guess. I wont have a set day when i update but i will try to make them frequent.

Now with all the big questions answered. My last thing is be nice, this is my first story but i havent seen a story like this one yet so im hoping something new and different will keep you guys interested. And now enjoy you guys

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