Chapter 12 (Aaron?)

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Maddie's POV

I was in Matt and Carter's room to find out my Jake was so bummed out today after the photo shoot. They walked me through the whole story about how Nash and Cam had a similar inicdent with same agency and photographer, and how Jake was named "Newest Face of Magcon" and how Jake made the people delete the article and everything.

"So Jake didn't know that they were going to write that about him?" I asked Carter.

"I hope not, but if he did then that's a pretty big dick move." Carter was clearly angry about the whole thing.

"Well personally I don't want to sleep there because I know how Jake is after a bad day. He punches and swears in his sleep. So I was wondering if I can sleep here?" I asked expecting a no.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN!" Matt yelled.

"Great! Where do I sleep?" Carter and Matt looked at eachother confused.

"In a bed." Matt told me.

"With one of you? You do know I'm technically still dating Nash right?" I informed them.

"So, you slept with Jake the other day." Matt reminded me.

"He's gay, that's different." I added the wrist flick to add more drama to the whole situation.

"Oh yeah! I keep forgetting." Carter said bonking himself on the head.

"So are you sleeping with us *click* or naw." Matt asked me.

"I guess I will. But I'm sleeping with Matt because Carter I've heard stories and I'm not sharing a bed with you.

-9 hours later-

I woke up with my arms around Matt's shirtless chest. Luckily he was alseep so he didn't notice this but it was still an awkward position to wake up in. I carefully unwrapped myself and made my way to the bathroom. My clothes were in the other room so that meant no shower but I did need to fix my hair. I grabbed Carter's hairbrush off the counter and started getting the knots out of my hair. This whole process took about 10 minutes because my gorgeous, brown locks of love deserve to be handled delicately. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Matt was awake and so was Carter and they were also dressed.

"Hurry up Maddie, we're going to be late!" Carter yelled at me.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Time to go!" He tossed clothes at me. A pair of sweatpants and a black Magcon sweatshirt. "Put those on and let's go!"

I ran back into the bathroom and put Carter's clothes on and ran back out.

"Jake texted me, he already got your suitcase and everyone is waiting for us in the lobby." Matt told me pushing me out he door.

When we got downstairs everyone was waiting for us and started yelling at us about where we were.

"Sorry guys but Maddie takes forever to get ready." Carter pointed to me.

"ALL I DID WAS BRUSH MY HAIR!" I told everyone.

Everyone ran out to the limo. I guess a limo takes them where ever they need to go. We stopped in front of the airport and ran for security. Everyone went through the metal dectector and thankfully it didn't go off for anyone. That would have just slowed us down.

We ran to the gate and when we got there everyone was boarding the plane. We finally stopped and I could take a breath. We waited until we were at the front of the line and Cameron gave the flight attendent all of our tickets, and she let all of us go at once. My seat was right next to Nash and Nash was right next to Cameron. Carter was next to Matt and Matt was next to Mary. Shawn was next to Mahogany and Mahogany was next to Jake. They had the middle aisle that sat 4 people, the seat to the right of Jake was open so I suspected the person didn't get in their seat yet.

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