Chapter 41 { "..your under arrest for.." }

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"Open it," i said said. He turned the knob opening the door. It swung open and He fell to the floor. I looked over Chris seeing a dude with a hoodie over his head and his face was covered with a mask.

"Say ya prayers bitch.." He said. He took the safety off.

"NO!" I yelled and pulled the trigger on mine twice making the dude fall to the floor.

"AHHH!!" He yelled. "BITCH!" He yelled and shot at me twice. I screamed feeling two gunshots to my stomach.

"BABY!" Chris yelled.

I then started hearing more gunshots. "C-Chris..." I whispered. He was standing over the guy and that's all I remembered.

* * * * *





I couldn't make out anything but I heard the voices and my slightly opened eyes were blinded by a bright light . I sighed opening my eyes fully.

"She's alive!" The doctor said.

"W-Where is my - OW!" I yelled holding my stomach and begin crying. I don't know what was going on. I just wanted to go home to my family.

My stomach was hurting and I didn't see my kids or Chris. I was in a room with doctors and nurses.

"Ma'am, your alright. You survived two gunshots to the stomach." A nurse said.

"What?" I asked. I looked down seeing my stomach stitched up. "It hurts.." I groaned looking at her.

"I know, I know. It's goin to be hurting for some weeks. How do you feel?" She asked me and started feeling on my head.

"Fine, I guess. Where's my husband? Where's my kids? CHRIS!!" I panicked.

"Ma'am , calm down!" The nurse said. "He's not here right now. He's in the police's custody for questioning about what happened at your home. Do you remember anything?" She asked me.

"Yes. Nurse, I'm not stupid. I know what happened. Someone came to our house and tried shooting my husband with our kids upstairs in their room. He could've killed them." I begin crying.

"It's okay. Just know he didn't. You have family here to see you though." She smiled. I looked at the door and the other nurse opened it allowing Mama Tee, my babies, Makayla, baby Alex, and the rest of the gang to come in.


"My babies!" I cried hugging them the best way I can even though it hurt. I kissed them all and hugged them again.

"Ow, Mommy." Cj said

"Sorry baby. Mommy just missed you guys so much. I'm so glad your okay." I sniffed

"Daddy.." Cameron whined.

"Daddy is coming Sweet Pea, don't worry." Mama Tee said picking him up.


"Do you Mr. Smith, have an idea of who could've done this to you and your wife?" The detector asked me.

"If I did, I wouldn't be here. I would be out trying to find his ass somewhere in that hospital. He shot my wife man! 2 times in the stomach! She could be pregnant with our kid and he could've killed it!" I said banging my hands on the table. 

"We know who he is!" He said yelling over me. "And he's not dead. You thought you killed him, but you didn't.." He added. "But we know who you did kill.."

I between looking between the both of them.

"What? I haven't killed nobody." I said shaking my head.

They laughed the slammed a picture in front of me.

"You know her?" He asked me

I looked down at the picture seeing a Yoni's face. I sighed closing my eyes and shaking my head.

Damn.. how did the hell did they find this out?

"We know what you and your brother and cousin did Christopher.." one started.

"Yup, the gunman told us everything that happened out there in Jamaica. How you 3 killed his sister behind your wife." The other added.

"I was protecting my wife. She was using her and was planning on getting me killed.." I explained to them.

"You think we give a damn?" They asked and stood up.

"Regret anything yet?" The dude with the mustache asked leaning towards me smirking.

"Just like I didn't regret fucking yo bitch, I don't regret killing her ass." I said, smirking, just to piss him off. 

"Cuff him.." He said and the other came around the table standing me up.

"Christopher Smith, you're under arrest for the murder of Yoni Ridge. And don't worry. We're going to find your other two partners. Maybe y'all can share a cell."

They both begin laughing.

"Suck a dick.." I told the man and was escorted out the room.

I knew this was going to happen. I knew this all was going to back fire on us at some point. Was just waiting on the time.

Here it is.

Like I said, I don't regret shit.

I need to get in touch with my babygirl and see how she's doing though. She's my concern right now.


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