Chapter 33 { Family Morning }

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The Next Day...

The Next Morning, I woke up in a really good mood. I don't know why but yeah I was excited.

I made a big breakfast for my family. Just waiting on everyone to get up so we can eat. I don't have to go into work today, the shop is closed for some repairing so we're doing online shoppers right now and the next month. Makayla and i decided to update our store and get some new paint jobs and furniture. We don't want the same basic look anymore.

* * * *

I was fixing the drinks, when Chris came in the kitchen. He rubbed his stomach and stretched.

"Goodmorning babe." I said walking over to him and wrapping my around his waist. He wrapped his around my waist and picked me up. I laughed and we kissed.

"Goodmorning to you too mama. I see you made breakfast." He smiled and went sit in his spot at the table.

"Yes, I did. Did you wake up the -"

"Fooodddd!!" All three of them came downstairs and ran to the table passing me up completely."

"Goodmorning to you too." I said and put all the drinks on the table.

After saying grace, we dug in.

"Mommy, what are doing today?" Aubrey asked stuffing her mouth with eggs.

"Well.. daddy and I decided it would be nice to go out to Chuckie Cheese! That way you guys can play some games, win tickets, and get cool prizes!"

"Yayyy!!" Cj and Aubrey said.

"No!" Cam pouted.

"No? You don't want to go Bubba?" Chris asked Cameron.

"Daddy you know he's scared of Chuckie. I told him he was nice. He doesn't believe me." Cj said and shrugged shaking his head.

"He's a baby that's why." Aubrey added.

"No I not!" Cam fussed and stuck his tongue out at her.

Chris looked at me and I looked at him and shook my head. Then two go at it all the time.

Bringing the kids to Chuckie Cheese would be a good idea because we can all play games together and enjoy some family time while Chris isn't in the studio or at shows and while I'm not in the shop all day.

Cameron been afraid of Chuckie ever since we brought him when he was smaller. My baby just needs to get use to it that's all. Ain't nothing wrong with being scared of a giant rat. He's just like his mama. Don't fw the rodents and scared of everything.

Keep in mind I said everything and not everyone.😉

* * * * *

"Mommy, can I invite Dre to come with us?" Cj asked.

"Who's Dre?" Chris asked him.

"That's Noah's son," I answered for Cj. Chris rolled his eyes shaking his head. I looked back at Cj, "Yes baby. I'll call Noah and ask him to bring Dre to Chuckie Cheese with us."

"Yayy!!" Cj smiled and continued eating.

"Why he gotta come? Why you can't just invite the dude over here to drop his son off?" Chris asked me.

"Chris, what are you trippin for? Your son just wants to have a good time with his friend."

"I'm happy for Cj. I just don't like his dad. You don't know what that nigga really like. He might be all smiles and shit around you because he likes you! I don't like the dude, never did, never will! I don't even want you around him."

I shook my head looking away, "Chris, your overreacting." I said.

"Baby I'm being serious right now. When I first got there, he had a big ass kool aid man smile on his face talking bout some " Teyana! " like nigga shut the fuck up." Chris said mocking Noah. The kids laughed. Even though it was a bit funny to them, Chris doesn't need to be talking like this around them.

"Daddy that's funny!" Cameron said.

"You know what is funny?" He asked.


"A pillow fight! Everybody get a pillow off the couch!" Chris yelled standing up. The kids screamed running to the living room.

"HEY, NO! THAT'S MY GOOD PILLOWS!!" I stood up saying.

"Chill baby," Chris said looking at me. "I just needed to get them off the situation. We'll talk later." He kissed my cheek then took off to the living room like a little kid

"Taking care of 4 damn kids, I swear.." I mumbled and begin washing dishes.

* * * * *

"Alright, everyone ready?" I asked buckling up. They all responded with a yes. "Picture time!" I raised my phone taking a quick picture. "Awee, it's soo cute! My little babies are so beautiful." I cooed staring at the picture.

"Aw, thank you. My glo up was too real." Chris said starting the truck.

I laughed shaking my head. He knew I was talking bout my real 3 babies.

"Mommy, is Dre coming?" Cj asked.

"Yea baby. I called his dad and he's going to bring him. Auntie Kay Kay, Little Alex and Uncle Vinny are coming too." I said.

"Yayy!" They cheered. I put my glasses on my face and Chris turned the radio up plugging in his Aux cord. He played one of his songs and I sung along.

Chris then grabbed my hand kissing it. I looked at him and smiled then looked out the window.


Lame, I Know ..

I'm Spicing It Up Next Chapter Though.. 😉

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