I turned to face Jae's huddled figure, clenching and unclenching my fists, not even knowing how to approach him. Yoon stood beside Jae, his eyes catching mine across the room.

I looked down at my hands, seeing the blood there, the awful feeling still lingering in my stomach and head. I looked back at Yoon, shaking my head slightly before walking away, just needing to get as far as I could.


I walked aimlessly, knocking into random people as I kept my gaze down on the floor. I wanted to run away, somewhere, anywhere and yet the further I walked, the shittier I felt about leaving Jae behind.

I finally took in my surroundings, unsure of how I even ended up walking back to a park nearby our dorm. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I lifted it up, seeing messages in the group chat.

Group chat: Bring it 👊
From: Taejoon
Where are you
We're at your dorm

From: Yoon
Either you come to us or we hunt you down

I'm nearby
I'll be back in 5

From: Taejoon

I dragged my feet down the hallway, seeing the two of them standing in the doorway staring at me.

"Hey" I mumbled, lifting my hand in a half assed greeting.

Yoon raised his eyebrow at me, Taejoon shaking his head before turning back to enter the dorm. I followed after them, not knowing what to expect anymore.

Jinyoung gasped when he spotted me, rushing forward to meet me.

"Hyung" he scanned me helplessly, not knowing what to do with his hands. Oh. My clothes.

"It's not my blood?" I muttered, looking down at my stained clothes.

"Those cuts are" he frowned, staring at my knuckles.

"It's... where is he?" I frowned and asked, just needing to know.

"You should change" Jackson frowned, catching sight of me as he exited our room. Jae's in there for sure...

"You'll end up scaring him. Go" Jinyoung urged. Taejoon had grabbed some clothes while we were talking, pushing me towards the toilet and shoving my clothes and towel at me.

I took the quickest shower, my knuckles stinging as I finally washed the dried blood off. I threw my clothes on, stalking immediately to our room.

I stood in the doorway watching Mark try to comfort Jae who kept crying, his huddled shivering figure cutting me deeper than any wound.

My feet carried me across the room and I dropped onto the floor next to him. My arms tugged him into my lap and tucked him into my chest, rocking him lightly while he sobbed.

"You're safe here" I whispered, stroking his head. Jae clung on to the front of my shirt, finally releasing his grip on my jacket.

I finally got a good look at him, his clothes torn at so many places that even his pants were hanging off him.

"His clothes" I muttered, looking up at the others. Mark handed me Jae's clothes, turning to usher the others out.

I held Jae tighter, shifting him so that I could change him. He squeaked when I tried to remove my jacket, clawing on my shoulders while shaking his head. I'm going to kill that fucker. My sunshine...

I pressed my palm to his bare waist, rocking him until he slowly relaxed again. I pressed a kiss to his forehead, the warmth of his skin lingering on my lips when I decided to make him lie down first.

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