Chapter twenty two

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I woke up in a peaceful forest. I could hear the birds singing. A river was running down a hill. It was dark. The moon was up in the sky.

"Where the heck am I?"

"You are in heaven my child." I heard a woman say. I couldn't see her. I could only hear her voice. I started walking towards the direction that I had heard her. After a few steps I reached a little valley with only a tree in the middle. I approached it and put my hand on the
trunk of this tree. Suddenly sparks erupted through my body and lights were coming out from the tree. I walked backwards. A woman appeared in front of me. She was wearing a white dress. Her hair were black. Her bare feet were touching the grass softly like a fairy. Her blue eyes were magnificent and full of emotion. I had the feeling that I know her. Who is this woman?

"I'm the Moon Goddess my child." What the fuck! Did she read my thoughts?!

"And yes, I can read thoughts."

"The Moon Goddess?! Am I dreaming?"

"You are in a coma little wolf."

"The last thing I remember is killing that bastard."

"Poor James. He couldn't control himself. After his daughter's death he went completely crazy." She stated with a sad expression on her beautiful face.

"I can assure you that he was already a mad man. He tried to sell me!"

"Everything was done for a reason. I gave him the idea to sell you so you would run away."

"What? You know how much I suffered! I almost died!"

"Yes but you met your mate and I was protecting you. "

I was starting to get really pissed.

"This conservation is so useless. If you were protecting me, you wouldn't have left me all alone!"

Suddenly a little breeze hit me and pulled my hair off my face.

"Don't ever disrespect me again. This was your challenge. Not everyone has the courage to pass the difficulties. I made you stronger than you think you are. I know what I'm doing!"

This sounds like a warning to me.

"So, what do you have for me from now on?"

"Don't rush thing Serena. You will wake up when everything is in the right place."

"I just missed him."

"He worried about you. I can feel it. He is a bit shocked too."

"For what?" The curiosity was starting eating me alive.

"You are pregnant my child."

What!? This can't be possible. Not now!

I was just looking at her like she grew two heads. I was in coma for God dammit! And pregnant at the same time! That's awful! And the worst part of it, is that Adrian has to deal with all this shit alone!

I hate my life. I hate myself!
This is all my fault..
I'm so pathetic!!
I let Alpha James to take me down.
Not this time. I will leave. And I will leave free.

"It's time to wake up my child. Your mate is waiting for you. I hope I helped you." She said and before I could even thanked her, I was already awake.


It has passed four days. She was still in coma. And pregnant...

I couldn't believe it. She was baring my child. And I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad about it. Don't get me wrong. I love this babe. But what if she never wake up? What if she dies?
I wouldn't live without her. I got in her hospital room. She seemed to be peaceful. I sat on the chair next to her bed. I hid my face with my hands. I was exhausted.

I couldn't eat anything. I was about to leave the room and tell my parents to go home when I heard a moan coming from beside me.

I looked up. She was moving! She was struggling to open her eyes.

"Serena, babe!"


"Oh my God!" Tears started running down my eyes. She was here. With me! I didn't know what to do. Should I hug her? Or kiss her?

"How do you feel?"

"A bit tired but I will be okay."

"I missed you Serena. This last few days without you were a nightmare."

"I missed you too. Sorry for worrying you."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm just glad you are alright." I kissed her forehead gently.

"Everything has finally fallen into place. Adrian I need to tell you something.. I'm- "


"How did you know?" She asked shocked.

"The doctor told me. Were you aware of this?"

"Of course not. The Moon Goddess inform me. And I was as impressed as you are now."

"The Moon Goddess?!"

" Crazy things happened when I was in this coma." We laughed. Oh God I love her.

"Adrian?" She got serious for a moment.


"Do you want it? I mean the baby.."

"Are you kidding? This is the best thing that happened to me after I met you! Of course I want it!"

"I love you Andri." She kissed me with a smile.

"Hey! I told you to stop calling me that!" But how could I resist her?

"We are finally happy. Today, tomorrow and forever my love. You, me and our baby." Serena was right. I love her as she loves me. No more problems. No more pain. This was our challenge and we survived.

The End

I want to thank you for reading my story although I know that it has mistakes and misunderstandings. I also want to say sorry for making you wait this long for updates.😘😘

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