Chapter twenty one

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I couldn't here anything. The only thing I was focused was my mate. She was unconscious in my arms. She was bleeding badly. I was running as fast as I could to take her to the pack doctor.

I can't lose her!

She is my world. My everything. I went into the pack hospital. Her skin was pale and cold. My mind couldn't take it. My wolf was on verge of coming out. I ran up the stairs where the doctor's office was. I got inside.

"What happened?!" She asked surprised.

"The Black Fire Pack attacked us."

"She is pretty bad. Hurry up! Let's take her to the emergency room!"

I placed her gently on a stretcher and a few nurses came and took her. I panicked. I needed to be there for her. The doctor must have noticed my frustration and pulled me backwards.

"You won't help her If you don't leave us do our job."

I was left behind with my thoughts. I couldn't breathe. I went outside. The cold air hit my face and made me feel a little better. I was smelling the blood from the battle. It was a terrible smell. Tears started pouring down my face. I felt like it was the first time when I saw her in this cold cell. When I saw the blood running from her veins. And held her to understand that she was the one. My one. A loud sob came out of my mouth and I'm sure everyone heard it.

My heart ached. I remembered every part of our time together. The long nights of cuddling. Her laugh. The walks in the forest. For only one thing I'm sure: If she dies, I die.


*Five hours later*

I was sitting in the waiting room. I was longing to see her. She was still in surgery. The damage was worse than I expected. Nurses were going up and down. Injured soldiers were here too. Their families worried about them. But I was alone. I have been waiting here for almost five hours without any update. Her life was like a bridge on the edge of knocking down. Mine too. I informed my parents about her condition and the attack. They were on their way.

I'm not sure I want them to see me in this state. I'm devastated.

The doctor came into the room. I immediately stood up. She looked at me for a second and I can tell my heart was ready to explode.

"Is she....?!"

"Thankfully no. We manage to save her at the last minute."

I was relieved. She was alive. A wide smile formed on my face.

"..but unfortunately she is in coma."

And my smile turned into a big frown.

"What do you mean?! She isn't awake?"

"No. She is badly injured and her body needs time to pull through. I can assure you that she will wake up when the time is right."

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah. Follow me."

We walked down the corridor and into a big white room. She was there. Laying on a bed. I approached her. She was bandaged almost everywhere. Her face was so peaceful like she was sleeping in our bedroom.

I turned to see the doctor staring at us.

"I will leave you alone. Take your time."

"Thank you doc, for everything."

"That's my job...Oh, and before I forget it... congratulations."

"Congrats for what?"

"You didn't know?"

"Know what?! Just tell me!"

"Serena is pregnant."


Sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next would be longer.❤❤

Lonely WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora