Chapter thirteen

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I woke up this morning with a good feeling. I went near the window and opened it. I smelt the wet ground after the yesterday's rain and a small breeze hit my face and made me feel like I'm a part of this forest. I turned around and I saw that Adrian was still sleeping. I decided to make him some breakfast. I dressed up and went downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and saw the Luna with two other guys making breakfast.

"Good morning!" I said

"Good morning dear! Why are you awake so early?"

"I just couldn't sleep. But that happened because I was too happy to sleep." I responded.

"I'm happy to hear that from you."

"I came here to make some breakfast for Adrian."

"He would be very happy when he sees that. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that we are preparing your house!"

"Our house?"

"Yeah. Every couple has its own house. Here, in the pack house, live only who hasn't found his mate and is over 16 years old."

"Okay..But you don't need to build a house for us.."

"We build a house for every couple. It's necessery to give the couple some space. You know..."

"Yeah...Um..I know exactly what you mean..."

"Perfect! Now, If you want help ask me!"

"Thanks." I grabbed a plate and put sausages, an omelete and pancakes with syrup. I took a disk and put the plate on in. I went upstairs and noticed that Adrian wasn't at bed. Suddenly the bathroom's door opened and Adrian went in the bedroom. He was wearing only a towel! I blushed but was still staring at his perfect body.

"So you are here! I woke up and didn't see you."

"Yeah. I went to make you some breakfast but you woke up earlier than I expected.."

"Thank you so much! Do you know how much I love you?"

"I know exactly how much you love me. But I want to remind me some details..." I told him with a evil smirk.

"Oh I would." He picked me up and kissed me passionetly. I could feel his hard breathing. He put me gently on the bed and got on the top of me. He took off my shirt but his move made me realize what I was doing. I tried to pull him away.

"Adrian you need to stop.."


"Adrian seriously." He didn't do anything to leave.

"Adrian get off me!" I shouted. He immediatly stop kissing me and looked at me confused.

"Why did we stop?" He asked me.

"Believe me, I want you to mark me and complete all the mating thing but I'm not ready yet. Sorry Adrian...Are you mad at me?"

"Of course not! I will wait until you are ready."


"Let's eat the breakfast you made for me, shall we? It can't get cold!"

"As you wish Adri!"

"I told you not to call me that!" He said and I started laughing and make fun of him.

"Just eat the dreakfast." He stated with a big smile.

He is just perfect! I love this man...

We ate the breakfast and lay on the bed.

"Can we go for a run please?" I asked him with puppy eyes.

"I don't know..I have some work to do today."


"Okay. Just stop look at me with your huge puppy eyes."

I stood up and kissed his cheek. "Let's go!"

We got out of the pack house and walked through the forest. When we were sure that anybody could see us I went behind a tree and got rid of my clothes and underwear. I shifted in my white wolf and saw that Adrian was already in his wolf form. He put his dark brown snout on my white head and smelt my scent. I did the same and we began to run in the forest.

Stay by my side. We may meet humans.

Wait. We can mind-link?! Cool!

Focus Serena. Please do what I said.


We ran through the trees, up a river and we reached on the top a hill. I could see all the city from there. It was wonderful. My wolf was jumping from joy because she have had a long time since the last time she ran. I love taking walks in the forest. The breeze hits my face and I can smell the leaves, the flowers and feel like I'm at home, with my real parents...

I lay on the grass and Adrian did the same. We looked at each other and we knew that we would have a perfect future, a great family and the most important, our strong love.

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