Take Me Instead

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**So this is the end but a twist at the end,instead of Jack dying it's you.**

^it's probably gonna be kinda short^

I again sighed,I felt tired and weak,I just wanted to go home with jack.
That empty feeling is starting to come back and I hated it.

"I'm sorry" I turned my head to jack.

"Sorry for what?" I got a sudden scared feeling.

What was he sorry for? Is he gonna abandon me? Is he gonna turn himself in?

"For getting you involved in all this shit in the first place,I love yo-"

You heard a gun cock, everything froze in place as you saw the grey metal behind him.
You grabbed Jack's shoulders and pushed him completely underwater,the bullet had missed him and went through your head.

A small gasp escaped the womens mouth who shot the bullet.

Blood slowly trickled down the hole placed in the center of your head,your body slipped backwards and made a splash against the water.

The women scrambled to reload her gun as Jack's body escaped the water,he took one look at your now deceased body and was now full of different emotions.Taking the women's gun from her hands and throwing it else where,he had began to stab her stomach violently,letting his clothes get soaked in her thick red blood.

Finally, she took her last breathes.

Letting the small object drop from his hands,he looked back at your body again.
He gently positioned his hands underneath your body,and lifted you from the water.He couldn't bear to look at your face,it was too much for him to handle,even if he was a cold blooded murderer.

He hated to say it but,the cops were still on the look out and from what he could hear,they were close after hearing that gunshot.
He didn't want to deal with them right now,he wanted to care for you and for only you.But deep inside he knew you wouldn't last long,he just never thought about what he'd do after it happened..he didn't want to think about sometime so tragic,it actually pained him.

You were strong,strong in spirit,and strong in intelligence.He was glad he had fallen for someone like you,even though the ride from here to day one was bumpy,he enjoyed most of it.
Even the times you would get angry at him,it made him feel human to have actual arguments with you.

He didn't show it,but it made him generally happy,he kind of wished he showed more affection towards you.

It's weird,he always wondered why people said you never noticed what you did wrong until it's too late,but he knows now.

He had so many wishes and I coulds,he had regret built up inside of him.

He watched as your h/c hair flew in the wind while he ran,your lifeless e/c orbs were almost covered by your eye lids,your once s/c skin is now turning a cold white.
Jack just noticed that he started to shake anytime he'd look at you..

A lump started to form in his throat.

He dropped to his knees,letting you fall softly onto the ground,he started to hic,not wanting to make sound he covered his mouth.
Holding onto your arm,he rubbed your now see through shirt together,he just wanted you back again.He would give up his life for you to be alive..

Curling up against a tree,he positioned your body against his,he let your head lay on his shoulder.
He let the rain push his hair back,his body ached.

He closed his eye lids,he wanted to forget about everything.

Jack abandoned the thought of his own being,he just kept thinking about you.He wouldn't ever replace you though,if even he tried,he can't find anyone else like you..

"God,this feels so painful..what am I gonna do without you huh?..man,you know I appreciate you trying to save me but.."
Jack stopped mid sentence.

"I really wish that lady didn't fire that gun,stupid cops right?.."
Jack placed his hand ontop of your head,fiddling with your wet strains of hair.

"I wonder if I can try and bring you back somehow,it doesn't seem possible but maybe..just maybe,I just can't let your body decay though."
Jack muttered.

"Haha..just maybe"

His fingers tightly gripped the strains of hair inbetween his fingers.

(-There is a different part of this but I'll post it tomorrow-)
[It's basically this but it goes a different root,it's a bit more disturbing and more sad.]

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