27 Ønly The End

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"Leave me the hell alone!" I pushed myself off the chair and fell hard onto the cold ground,I attempted to crawl but I was stopped.

"Hey hey hey take it easy alright,just take your medicine and you'll see your boyfriend again." The girl said with a smile,what the hell is she talking about?
This girl had purple hair and she always had a smile on her face,her voice was annoying and she had crazy in her eyes.
"Jack right? See I listen haha"  she chuckled,she picked me up and placed me back onto the chair,she tied my wrists to the handles of it.

"Ho-w do y-you know jack,t-tell me where h-he is!" I screamed,jack must've gotten taken somewhere..I need to find him now.

"He's in his room like he always is,he keeps asking for you too.Its kinda cute actually,he really cares about you..but it must be all fake,killers like him can never love."
I growled and twisted my whole body left and right trying to get lose.

"Wh-en can I s-see him!" I yelled at her again, I just need to figure out what room he is in.

"I don't know actually,maybe if you both act nicely you two can see each other.The last time you two were together Jack didn't let you go,we had to force you away from him.He got beat pretty bad trying to get to you"
She rolled the chair down the empty hallway while speaking.

"So,how long have you two been together?"
Such a stupid question..she probably thinks I'm stupid or something.

"Oh come on,answer me I'll pass Jack's room on the way~" I hated the way she bribed me with Jack,like he was some toy or treat.

"Fine,we've be-en togeth-er f-for 2 years" I lied,of course she can't do anything about it.

"Were you guys planning on starting s family?" She asked,Jack and I are still in our 20's of course not.

"Yeah act-ually we w-were." I said,here comes the hard part of lying.

"Really? Wow,how many kids?" She slowed down the chair a bit.

"Two,bo-y and girl.We were g-gonna name them Mackenzie and A-Adam." I said,hopefully she'll buy it and bring me to Jack.

"That's cute,anyway.When were you first kidnapped?" She started touching my hair.

"About 3 years ago."




"Can I se-e him n-now?" I asked,tilting my head to the side a little bit.

"No,more questions."

I growled.

"How was the first kiss?"
These questions are stupid and awkward.

"It..w-was good,roma-ntic." I said trying so hard not to burst out laughing or crack a smile.

"Nice,one more question."

I nodded.

She got really close to my ear and asked.

"Do you like stealing boys away from their girlfriends?.."

My eyes widened and I clenched the handle of my chair,she suddenly bursted out laughing while holding her stomach.

"W-What?.." I asked,I was so confused now..I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Dont worry sweety I'm just pulling your strings haha" she giggled while taking off the restraints,I rubbed my wrists.

"You're so gorgeous,no wonder Jack loves you." She made a camera outline with her fingers and made a picture being taken noise with her mouth.

"I'm gonna keep this picture forever." She pretended to hug it,she twirled in a full circle before reaching out her hand and saying.

"Hey,I'm Nina The Killer but you can call me Nina!" She winked at me,Nina The Killer..
That means she's one of the people.

"J-Jack is alive r-right?" I could feel a big lump form in the middle of my throat.

"Of course not sugar if anything he's far away from death haha,you know these past weeks he has been in and out in and out in and out of here to get you stuff for your legs." She shook her head.

"Let's hope he'll get back soon,I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you awake."

And as if on cue a big door could be heard being opened and closed.

"Oh that must be him!" She grabbed my chair and ran down the hallway,I was scared I was gonna get tipped over or maybe worse.

"Jack she's awake!" She cheerfully yelled while skipping.

My eyes met the tall figure who was supposed to be Jack,but he stood still.He dropped his bag and walked towards me.He got down on his knee and touched my face,he opened my eyes more and then asked me to open my mouth.

I did what he told me to do but one thing stood out from the rest.

"Stand up for me babe" he asked.

"I can't,like I p-physically can't" I told him,he still told me to get up so I pushed myself up again and he caught me.

"Can you stand on your legs at all?"
I tried moving them but it was no good,I shook my head while burying my face deep into his hoodie.

"I know,it sucks but I'll fix it dont worry." He stroked my head and rested his chin on my head right after.

"Did Nina freak you out?" I chuckled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah she'll do that to you a couple times until it gets old,I'm glad your awake.I can hear you developed a stutter as well."

"Yeah I t-think it'll g-go away eventually." I smiled at him,he had his mask on still.I put my hands under his mask and pushed it up into his hair.

"What happened after I fell in?"

He sighed,apparently he dived in after you and once he got out Jeff had followed him as well.They took the car that the other people had and hijacked it,they eventually drove far enough and then they found this place,Jeff took the car and now we're here.

"How l-long w-was I out for?" I placed my head into the crook of his neck.

"About 5 days,that's probably why your legs are all messed up.But again dont worry I'll fix them so you can walk."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

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