16 Ønly The Middle (READ! Redone )

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A masked figure leaped at jack,jack fell to floor and the guy landed on top of him.Jack was fighting back but it was clear that the masked figure was stronger.Jack punched them and pushed them off,but before jack could fully get up they pushed jack into the wall and then fell down again.

I saw the person punch jack hard in the face multiple times, Jack's nose bled.I ran towards the person and kicked them in the stomach.
They held their stomach and groaned,jack was now face down on his stomach coughing up blood.Jack looked at me and screamed.


They got up and ran after me,I ran down stairs.But I met two other masked figures,both with white masks on,the first one had a long scratchy mouth on it along with holes to see through.The second one looked like it had a frown on and again with the holes to see through,while the one chasing me had a white mask on, a lipstick form was on it's mask and black holes for eyes.

I ran out the door and into the trees,I noticed the car and hopped into it.Realizing I didnt have the keys to lock it i mentally slapped myself and tried to run out,but I was grabbed from behind.
I twisted and turned,his hand was wrapped around my neck.I shoved my head down and bit their hand,they yelled out in pain,that was my chance.

I ran into an unknown path,tire tracks marked the ground as i ran.I didn't have much of a choice here.



I collapsed onto the cold ground,blood staining the new pure white snow.
I yelled out in pain while clutching my leg,I leaned myself against a tree.

"Hah gotcha!"

I looked up and masked figure was now standing right in front of me.


They grabbed my shirt and pushed me onto the ground while getting on top of me,they raised their knife high into the air and brought it down.I caught it but it was really close to my face,I pushed as hard as I could to get it away.

Their hand slipped and the knife went flying somewhere,they punched me twice before they wrapped their hands around my throat.My hands went up to their face,I grabbed at their mask and got a grip on it.

I pulled it off,the males face was pale.Dark brown hair with a little facial hair as well.

My hand reached over and reached for the knife,I could actually feel myself slowly slipping away.
My hand wondered until I could feel a handle.

I grabbed it and stabbed his neck,he fell backwards and I got ontop.
Out of rage and hate I repeatedly shoved the knife in and out,blood spilled everywhere.Making a bigger pile of blood in the snow,I got up with the blood covered knife in my hand and wiped away the blood from my nose.

I started to walk back limping on the foot that got shot,my vision blurred and my heart beat covered my hearing.
I took my last long breathe before falling onto the ground.

"Y/n! Y/n! Hey wake up!"


"Fucking christ..she's awake guys!" Someone yelled.

"Where am I?" I asked,my eyes were still closed.My hand reached over to my head and I covered the blindness of the bright lights shining down on me.

"Y/n what happened!"

I opened my eyes,jeff and Jack surround me.I was laying on my bed in my room I had claimed.

"Where's Toby?" I asked looking out of the door way hoping to find him.

Jeff looked jack before answering.

"They took him.." Jeff said.

"What?! We need to get him back!"
I tried getting up from pain bolted through my body,I grabbed my leg before sitting back down.

"You need to rest y/n,he got your leg pretty bad.."

I sighed.

"Hey y/n..w-what.. happened the guy that chased you..please tell me he got lost.."
Jacks voice sounded worried.

Got lost? Pfft yeah right.

"You're not gonna believe what I did! I ran out of the house and saw two other people with masks on and then I ran to the car but got grabbed and i bite him and then I ran into the woods and that's when he shot me! But I didn't give up! He punched me and tried to stab me but I hit the knife out of his hand and grabbed his mask off before I grabbed the knife and plunged it deep into his neck and then i kept stabbing him and stabbing him and then I got up and wiped the blood from my nose like a total badass! But then when I was walking back I fainted..."

"Two other people?..what did their masks look like" Jeff asked.

I described the masks and jack cursed.

"Shit they had Kate.."

"Do you think their gonna kill toby?" Jeff asked.

"Most likely.."

Jack looked at me again.

"Look you did a fantastic job making sure you were okay by fighting and all that but...but now we're not safe at all..killing that dude was a HUGE mistake.."

I didn't understand,what was so wrong about it? I killed him..he attacked us..

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He scoffed but then realized I was serious.

"Yeah,yeah I'm fine..just a little sore.."


"I think I'm gonna head out,I need to get far far away before..." Jeff looked at me.

"Uh nevermind..I'll see you around jack"

Jack and Jeff said their goodbyes and Jeff went off,leaving me and jack alone.

"You said I didn't have the guts.." I randomly said,I wanted to discuss this.

"Wait wh-" I Interrupted him, you'd think that he would be angry for Interrupting him alot.

"I was awake...I heard everything

Jack sighed.

"I guess I was wrong"

"Who is 'she' and why would the 'Slenderman' kill you for having me?" I had so many questions to ask but most of them aren't right to ask right now.

"We'll talk later..right now you need sleep." Jack opened one of his bags I carried up here and layed down a blanket.

"Don't worry I'll be inside here,I dont trust you being alone in here..just in case if anything happens.."

He leaned against bedframe and put a blanket on himself.

"Why don't you sleep on the bed,or bring your bed inside here" I said,just leaving him on the floor doesn't seem right.

"You need your space for your leg" he said.

"Nonsense!" I lighty patted his shoulder.

"Come on!" I didn't like the fact of jack sleeping on the same bed as me 100 percent but I didn't want him sleeping on the floor either.

Jack got on the bed and layed down on the opposite end of me which was perfectly fine.

"Goodnight jack"

Jack made a small chuckle.

"Goodnight y/n.."

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