Christmas Special

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"Jack look!" I said,pointing to the window that was covered in frost.Blurrying movements accompanied the window.Smiling,jack got closer to the window.

"Oh,it's snowing." He answered plainly,I scoffed and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Come on,have Christmas spirit!"
He looked confused,annoyed I'd have to explain something so..simple to him,assuming he doesn't know what anything is.

"You know..presents,lights.."
I tried explaining,he still looked confused..

"A tree?"
I asked.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed,walking past him I sat down on the couch.

"Christmas? sounds familiar,is it something every human celebrates?" He asked,peering over the couch.


A long moment of silence before a few knocks were on the door,I gasped and ran to the door,I was expecting someone and I've been waiting for hours.
I opened the door and greeted them.

"Jeff,Toby hi!"

I hugged them,pulling them inside to keep them from the harsh cold.Jeff greeted Jack as Toby looked around,I had forced Jack to put up decorations.

"Please tell me you remember what Christmas is.." I desperately wanted to talk to someone about Christmas and how much I enjoy the special holiday.

"No,sorry y/n."

I sighed,face palming myself..Assuming Jeff doesn't know either,I didn't ask.

"Jack can we get a tree?" I ask,Jeff raises an eyebrow.

"What,why?" He asked,Jeff chuckles.

"For Christmas idiot,humans celebrate it every year." Jeff says,I froze.He knows?

I jumped to Jeff,I was so happy.
"You know what Christmas is?" I asked,he nodded and smiled-well smiled more.

"Y/n,it's late and us boys need to talk..I'll be in the room in a few hours,we have a busy day tomorrow." Jack said,I sadly sighed.

"Fine,see you guys tomorrow..Goodnight,love you Jack."

Jack smiles and waves
"Love you."

I went inside our room,getting nice and cozy in the bed beside the window.The snow seemed soothing and beautiful.


I woke up to the sound of someone saying my name,remember it's Christmas I quickly sat up and jumped off the bed.
"Oh hey haha,J-Jack told me to w-wake you up."

Toby stood next to the bed,scratching at his neck.I thanked him and followed him out the door,I yawned while stretching my arms out.

"Happy-" jeff interrupts him "merry." He said,jack starts over"merry Christ,uh..Christ.." he pauses.
"Merry Christmas jack,Merry Christmas.." jeff pinches his temples and sighs deeply,jack nervously laughs before saying.

"Whatever,it took us all night so enjoy it while you can.."

I looked past Jack,a tall pine tree stood near the fireplace.Nothing was on it but it's the thought that counts,small items layed on the floor beneath the tree,they seemed to be wrapped in cloth.

Confused I picked one up,looking at jack with my eye brow raised.

"Uh,what is this?." I asked,kind concerned considering there was blood on it.

"It's a gift!" He said,he looked so happy for a moment I felt bad..sucking it up and unwrapping it,a bloody used knife falls from the cloth and into the floor.Taking a deep breath I held it up and said.

"Oh my god Jack I love it,you need to teach me how to use it!"

His face lit up,he smiled and said.

"Of course!"

"You should be m-more grateful,we h-had to watch a f-few people to see h-how people set these t-things up." Toby says.

I knew I shouldn't of brought it up to Jack,this just turned out to be a disaster..I'm grateful he tried,I really am it's just..
Tears started to swell in my eyes,holding back the knot in my throat,I turned to Jack with the knife held to my chest,eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"T-thank you..I really love it." My voice shook uncontrollably,Jack gasped and awkwardly looked around as if to find the answer on what to do.

"Uh,'re welcome?"
He shrugs at Jeff and Toby as they do to each other.

"Happy Christler" jack says.

"Merry Christmas" jeff corrects.

"Whatever..." jack mumbled.

(Christmas special,hoped you guys liked it..its a bit late but I was busy have a great rest of your Holiday)


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