26 Ønly The End

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Absolutely nothing..


//Hicc..hic hic..
Cough cough..hic hic..//

It's all my fault,hes gonna die.Its my fault its always my fault!

Hot tears poured from my face and stained my cheeks,my red turned puffy and red from crying and I was laying on the floor.
Muttering to myself that I didn't deserve anything,and that jack would've been better off killing me in the first place.

'Why do you ruin everything?'

'Just go away no one likes your company!' 

'Why did you do that? Your a freak!'

'Your a freak!'

'A freak!'


I yelled out,suddenly the white walls that surrounded me turned red,i got up from my hands and knees and balanced myself.Cold air filled the whole room almost immediately,my breathing slowed down and lighted blinded me.

I quickly sat up and grabbed my throat,I violently coughed and shook,coldness was soon replaced with heat.I looked up,confused.

"J-j...ck" I struggled to speak,my body felt weak and I was in lots of pain..everything hurt at this point and I knew there was nothing i could do to stop it.
I looked around,darkness..
I tried getting up because apparently I was laying down but,my legs wouldn't move,I don't think they were tied down.I started to panic.

"J..a-a..k" my voice got a bit louder,it felt like a million bees were stinging my throat.

"J-j.." I took a deep breath in and clenched my hands.

"Jack!" I yelled,I started to sob,the pain was just so..unbearable.Nothing came back as a response,I feared that they had gotten him and now I'm all alone.
I tried yelling once more but I completely lost my voice,only whimpers and small noises came out.

I layed my head back down and continued to cry,maybe if I cry loud enough someone will hear me and come see me.
Unfortunately that didn't happen because for the next few hours,no one came.

Suddenly the door creaked open a bit until it was fully open,a shadow was in the doorway.
I can't make out their face..
They slowly started to walk towards me and I started to squirm in my seat.They backed away as if I scared them,I heard a small gasp come from them.

"Y-your awake!"
Their voice sounded deep and raspy..
They got a bit closer to me,I sat up quickly,my h/c hair fell in front of my face covering my eyes.

"Take it easy alright y/n,you've been through alot." They said,while trying to push me back down.

They know my name..It must be one of the people Jack warned me about.Their handed traveled down my arm as I layed back down,their hand was cold and soft.
Light from the door shined into the room but no enough to see properly.

"I missed you,I was so lonely without you..I mean,you were here but..not awake,im sorry for not getting to you sooner..those damn kids didn't know who they were messing with.."

Oh my god,its jack!

I sat up again but this time I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug,I could feel his heartbeat go crazy against my chest.Why didn't I realize this before?..god..I'm so dumb..

"I guess you missed me too,how are you feeling?"

I sniffled and held him tighter,I felt absolutely horrible,but I couldn't tell him that..I can't speak.

"Hey,you alright?" He releases his grip and looks me in the face.

I furrow my eyebrows and give him a sad look with small tears still in my eyes,I think he got the message because he sighed and apologized.

"I...c-c...e-el..egs.." I mumbled out,jack titled his head.

"What,You want eggs?.." he asked,I sighed and shook my head.

I said it again but as clear as I could.
He paused for a moment.

"So your saying: I cant feel..egs..what is egs-OH! You can't feel your legs!" He jolted up and ran out of the room,I reached for shirt to pull him back but i missed his shirt.

I ran my fingers through my hair while I waited for Jack to come back into the room,I didnt know what he was getting but i guess it'll help my legs..I hope..
I squinted my eyes and tried seeing better but had no luck.

"Alright so,you've been out for awhile now.I have been feeding you and giving you water to survive,you might not feel your legs for at least..mmh,I wanna say a week? Anyway,here's some medications to help with the pain."
He handed me two large pills with a bottle of water,he then kissed my head and went out of the room again.

I put the pills in my mouth and proceeded to drink water to make it go down easier,the water felt great going down my throat..it felt very refreshing.
Footsteps echoed through the room..

"Hey I'm back,here..sit here.." he pulled up a wheelchair,where did he get that thing? 
"W-where..di..d..you ge-t..that?" I asked while jack helped me up and placed me into the chair,it rocked a bit but it was stable.

"Oh,dont worry about it."

Dont worry about it...
I know that phrase..he did something bad,I could keep bugging him or I could eventually get it out of him somehow.

"Anyway,let's go,i have stuff we need to talk about."

He wheeler me out of the room,light suddenly blinded me I hissed a little bit and squeezed my eyes shut again..
I slowly opened them back up when it didn't hurt anymore,a long hallway with painted white walls stood in front of me.

"Where am i?" I asked.

"The hospital silly!"
The voice I once notice as Jack's faded into a higher and more feminine voice.

/Prømise Yøu'll Stay?/ /Eyeless Jack X Reader//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz