I answered as I was putting the seatbelt on, "I hate eating out, and you know that."

"Right." He pressed his lips in a thin line. "Neat freak." He grumbled, starting the car.

"It's not my fault." I defended myself. "Who knows if they even wash their hands after cutting the chicken, you know I'm vegetarian. I mean, who knows where their hands go, I'm telling you, stop eating outside. It's gros--" he cut my blabbering off with a deep frustrated sigh. My whole body was facing his side, to explain why eating outside wasn't my favourite and would never be but he didn't value the information and suggestion.

"Ok, ok, ok." He raised his hands up in surrender. I expressions turned into a panicky glare seeing his hands off the steering wheel, just before I could yell at him he realised and landed his hand on the wheel. "I get it, don't gross me out now. I like eating out." He spoke, after handling the car for a minute.

After our little argument, which seems little now unlike before, we headed out spending the day around the place. First he took me to a library, because I insisted him to, I'm a book worm. Later Kiaan introduced me to this mount. We hiked for around two hours, going up the hill surrounding by nature and a beautiful view to the beach once we reached up the top. Those two hours could have been boring and annoying if I spent it with the wrong person. But with Kiaan it was fun.

He shared his experiences of learning a little bit of French in high school years. 'I forget most of it now.' He added in between, probably getting the idea of my wish of having a loving speech written by him for me.

I mean, French is hot and romantic.

I learnt a lot about Aarav, Reyansh, Yug, Dhruv and of course, Nidhi. 'Aarav and Nidhi dated. Let's say it didn't end pretty well, she got upset and left the city. I was meeting her after around five years, remember she said 'how's aunty and uncle?' because she wasn't in contact with us for years, maybe that's why I was super excited to meet her.' I still remember the smile playing on his lips as he spoke about his friends.

After that he took me to his high school which wasn't too far away from the mount. 'I hated it at first, didn't have any friends. But then started loving this place after I met Aarav and the others.' It couldn't be that bad could it? He still had his brother Dhruv to play around with if he didn't have friends. I didn't even have that. But I guess everyone has different views to outlook different situations.

And by the time it was seven I pleaded him to shop, and here we are now, going back home.

"Restaurant was the best idea Jaanvi, now you'll have to cook even if you're tired." If he was trying to be 'nice' with this comment then it really didn't sound nice at all. It sounded like he was ordering me like a kid being told to drink milk.

Just because he let me shop even though he was tired, I'll let this pass.


"Yeah, and salad." I really don't know if he was trying to test my patience or just generally demanded his favourites.

I wished to pull my hair in irritation but couldn't, thanks to my messy bun. Putting my hands down on the counter I exhaled deeply, trying to calm my nerves down.

"Oh and wa--"

I turned around making Kiaan flinch. Wasn't expecting that I presume? I knew he was standing right behind me, like literally right behind me because I could feel his breath on my neck, working as a warm fan. I liked it but off topic, "Shut up!" I pushed my index finger onto his chest, frowning deeply. "I'm making noodles, deal with it."

He opened his mouth, annoyed, as expected. "Fine! Cook quickly, I'm hungry." Wow, that was easy. I leaned forward, sniffing his scent. Coconut. I loved coconut but not the point. I put my warm palms into his temple, feeling the temperature. "I know I'm hot Jaanvi." He smirked, straightening his posture.

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