Chapter 17: I Like You

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You ever get that feeling when your with someone or something good happens, that everything vanishes? Nothing is to be seen nor heard expect you and that person and only you two. Well that's how I'm feeling right now with Noah in my driveway.

Just looking at him made fireworks go off in my body. It's only been some days since I last saw him yet it feels like it's been years. To be in all honesty, being apart from him didn't make me stop thinking about him or didn't erase ever feeling I feel for Noah. It did the opposite actually. I missed him and it's taking everything in me to not run off this porch and jump into his warm lovely arms and not let go.

I instead stood in place on my porch, watching him watch me. How can he be so breath taking by just standing there?

The huge smile plastered on my face slowly faded away once Noah started walking up the three little stairs; up to where I was. His facial didn't read the excitement mines did. He looked lost, sad, angry and drained all in one. Almost like how I found him on my front steps that day I came home from a school-when his face was bruised up. This created a bad feeling in my heart.

"Hey.." Noah said in a barely whispered tone. Even in his voice it sounded like something is wrong.

"Hey." I greeted him back.

Noah shifted his feet a little and scratched the back of his head. "Is uh..your mom home?"

I shook my head and in response Noah dropped his down; groaning.

"She works late shift tonight. Why?"

"It's nothing. Never mind."

Noah went to turn around and leave but I grabbed his sleeve to halt him from moving. Something is not right. I can see it in his face. But he doesn't want to say it. Just like before.

"Noah, whatever it is you can tell me." I pleaded. Noah is not the type to tell his feelings. He thinks feelings are weak. They make you weak and break you down. So I knew me asking was a long shot. But hey.

"It's not like that; cam. I was just going to ask her if it's okay if I stay over here for the night and leave first thing in the morning. I really don't want to be home right now but it's okay. I'll go to-"

"No! You can stay." I blurted out.

"What about your mom?" Noah questioned.

He's right. She probably would get mad to find Noah sleeping at our house without her knowing. Then again; she's known Noah and his mom for years so it shouldn't be a problem. "She wont mind. Trust me." Well at least I hope she won't.

Noah hesitated for a second then spoke "U sure, cam? I can always stay with Reece. He is the only child in a big ass house, guaranteed he would let me stay the night there."

I nodded hard. "I'm positive."

"Thank you." Noah said giving a slight tight line smile.

I opened the door even more and welcomed Noah inside; shutting it behind us and walking us to the living room to the couch.

Noah and I plopped down on the big couch; far apart from each other. Normally we would be closer but I think it was awkward for us to even be in front of each other after feelings were said; despite Noah situation right now.

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