Simple Man

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As I helped Ryan prep for dinner, I heard the garage door open and a few seconds later, Brendon and Kayla strolled in

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As I helped Ryan prep for dinner, I heard the garage door open and a few seconds later, Brendon and Kayla strolled in. She gave me a small smile and asked, "What's for dinner, Cason?"

"Chicken Parmesan with angel hair Kayla," I replied politely.

She sighed, and both Ryan and Brendon quickly exited.

"I do not understand why you won't just call me mom Cason. I am your mom," She ground out.

I shook my head and said, "It's not right Kayla. You are not my mom. She is in a blessed bottle on a shelf in my room and you will never be her."

After saying that, I exited and headed to my room. Brendon was waiting for me.

"You should tell her to give up," I muttered.

"You know she won't," He raised an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head and headed into my room to change while dinner finished up.

About an hour later, after dinner and dishes were both done, I was residing in my room on my laptop when Brendon walked in and sat down at my desk.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

He looked at the urn that held my mom's ashes before asking, "I was just wondering why you keep those there."

"My dad won't keep them," I said with a dry, sarcastic laugh.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me with a confused look.

"Kayla didn't want them in the house. She wanted them in the ground, but I didn't want that. So, I decided to keep the urn in here."

"That's different," He said, nodding.

"Now, what do you really want?"

"I was wondering what you were doing not this weekend, but next?" He posed it more as a question.


"Well, James is throwing a party because his parents are out of town and they don't even give a shit anyway. I just wanted to know if you're going to be there."

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