Candle in the Wind

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I stood at my locker the next morning, scowling into it

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I stood at my locker the next morning, scowling into it. On my way in, I heard Haven agreeing to do something with James and him giving her his number. I felt stupid, but I was jealous.

I was freaking jealous.

"Hey, dearest brother," Ryan's voice came.

I turned to look at her before snapping, "What?"

"Well, somebody has got their panties in a bunch. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ryan. What do you need?"

"If I go to a party this weekend, will you tell mom?"

"Do I ever tell her?" I snapped out.

"Okay, that's it. What has got you so pissy, Cason?"

"Nothing has me pissy. Why are you asking?"

"Because you are acting like you have a damn stick up your ass," She snapped at me, putting her hands on her hips and standing in the defensive position she always gets in.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. I have something on my mind."

"Well, I hope it's not what I think."

I stared at her and asked quickly, "What do you think?"

"Someone was saying that you hooked up with Carrie against last night," She casually said.

"God damn. I did not hook up with her."

"So why did you leave with her?"

"I don't know! I just don't know!"

"That's not a good answer, dear brother of mine."

"I did it to get her off my back."

"Please, be careful. You know how she is."

"I will, Ryan."

After she walked away, I headed over to James.

"Hey man," He greeted me.

"So, what's going on with you and Haven?" Brendon asked, suddenly appearing.

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