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Hi! It's been three years since I finished the story. I want to fix some of my largest regrets surrounding it. When you see this, you'll have been bombarded with notifications about new chapters. Congratulations! I'm fixing that god awful 5-year timeskip! I'll publish a "legacy" version of any affected chapters later.


Alphys had managed to create five fertilized eggs with the genetic information you and Mettaton had supplied.

With these eggs, she transferred them into artificial uteruses - giant contraptions which would allow the fetus to safely grow without the requirement of a surrogate mother. Alphys (and a team of human scientists, working secretly lest they get caught by their governments) had built two of these machines, and transferred three eggs into one and two into the other. Alphys had estimated that perhaps two of the five embryos would survive the first two weeks.

Much to you and Mettaton's panic, all five survived the first stage of life, but four of them started to show abnormalities.

Two of them were slowing down in their splitting, and weren't expected to continue on for much longer. One of them seemed to be splitting a little bit faster than what it was supposed to, and the last one seemed to have... split a little more than expected.

Identical twins - that would bring the total to six. Financially, with Mettaton's job and savings, you could just about handle it. But physically and mentally, it would be hard to say the least.

All four of these eggs, now five zygotes, you were told to expect the worst of. Sure enough, after another week the first embryo that was slowing down died off. Even though the news came as somewhat of a relief, you couldn't help but feel a little sad when Mettaton came through to you after having the phone call with Alphys. Just three days after the first one died, the second egg followed.

That left four - a set of twins in one artificial uterus, and the ones Alphys had nicknamed "Speedy" and "Dominator".

In the next few months, all of them seemed to grow "normally", or at least their development was identical to the others. At the three month mark, you and Mettaton took a trip to your parents house, both of whom had somewhat warmed up to Mettaton after watching his show.

"Mum, Dad," You had said, "We have something to tell you."

"Are you getting divorced?" Your Mum jumped in. Whilst she may have happily asked this question a few months before, she had asked it sadly.

You remembered you and Mettaton looking at each other, thinking to yourselves "That would be a lot easier to explain than what we're going to say now."

Eventually, you and Mettaton eventually got it across to them that you were having kids. After their initial concern and confusion, they seemed to be all on board for helping out with them.

Them, as in the singular gender-neutral pronoun. You had omitted the part where there was going to be four screaming robot children.

Nonetheless when they eventually found out, they both weren't very pleased.

At the five month mark, Mettaton's work was really starting to pick up, but he still managed to take a day off to visit Alphys' lab with you. The plan was to find out the babies' sex, but upon further inspection they all appeared to be intersex to some degree or other. Yet, two of them seemed to present more feminine than the other two - thus it was decided, for the media if nothing else, these two were going to be raised as girls and the other two as boys.

You spent the rest of that day sitting in front of the giant glass-tank-like structures, reading childrens stories and singing nursery rhymes to the bright pink humanoids that floated in them, and getting to know each one better.

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