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Everything went off without a hitch. Napstablook instructed all the attendees to place their chairs to the side, opening up a wide space that could be considered somewhat of a dance floor. Even though it was still light out, the fairy lights turned on, and so did some gentle music to open up the celebrations.

At some point, catering had arrived with two tables filled with a buffet - one was filled with cakes and candy and other sugary goodness, the other filled with more savory things, such as pizza and kebabs.

It was clear your mother didn't approve of the somewhat informal choice of food on offer, but she certainly perked up when she saw the cake on the desert table.

The cake, was in fact, your wedding cake. You had picked it yourself since Mettaton couldn't eat, but even so you had went all out on it. Two tiers, covered in white fondant with small edible crystals dotted around it. It was simple, but that was the way you liked it - after all, it probably isn't a good idea to get emotionally attached to something that was going to be consumed in a few short minutes, no matter even if it was something you were probably only going to experience once in your lifetime.

"Hey, (Y/N), did you book a photographer?" Mettaton whispered to you, watching the people attending starting to talk and catch up with one another before approaching you.

"No. Did you?"

"No." Mettaton pointed over towards the entrance, "but I don't think we really needed to."

A rustle of movement revealed a large camera lens and a flash going off.

Journalists. Paparazzi.

Of course.

Just as you were about to go over and chew their ears out, a group of coworkers you were friendly with came up to you and started congratulating you; you made casual chit-chat with them as well, successfully restricting you from whooping any journalists' asses. Whilst you were talking, however, Mettaton got called away by Alphys.

"Say, (Y/N), I'm surprised you managed to get big ol' Danny Hanson to come."

"Isn't he like meant to be busier than usual nowadays?"

"Yeah, but I guess attending will give the company a better name."



Alphys and Mettaton stood away from the mass of humans and monsters, quite far into the surrounding woodland where even the cameras couldn't pick up their conversation. Mettaton held his dress up to his knees, and Alphys had hers hitched up in a similar fashion as well.

"Mettaton... About what I said yesterday..."

"Alphys. What have I told you, the program must be glitching out or something! I..."

"I can guarantee that isn't the case. Every single one of the drivers and such I have installed on you is able to detect abnormalities in execution of every kind - so even if it was filled with bugs it would restart and attempt to continue as normal."

"Then, I don't know! It must be an exception or something."

Alphys groaned in frustration. "Mettaton, I have went through the code countless times, trying to find an error. There are none."

"Alphys, I swear--"

"Look me in the eyes, Met!" She hissed, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you love them!"


"Congratulations, (Y/N). I hope you'll live a long and prosperous life together." Mr Hanson said, shaking your hand. His wife, Cherry, stood next to him.

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