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You woke up at 6:30 sharp, which was a rarity for you since you always tended to sleep through your alarm.

What probably woke you up though, was Mettaton sitting next to your bed and furiously pressing buttons on your alarm - an old digital clock which played the local radio station when the alarm went off.

Humans are//Violent attacks took place//Dreemurr spoke today//advised to stay at home//last night. 200 casualties//on behalf of the monsters who have//and not befriend any monsters//

Mettaton managed to stop changing the stations and turn off the radio. By this point, you were sitting up, still half asleep.

"Were you watching me sleep?" You yawned.

Mettaton crossed his legs and leaned back slightly, avoiding eye contact. After a few moments of silence, he replied: "Maybe."

You were too tired to come up with a proper response, so you just looked at him, confused.

"What? I didn't have anything else to do considering there were riots going on outside, according to the television."


"Besides, you're aesthetically pleasing when you sleep."

"No, no, wait - riots?"

"Humans started to protest against monsters or something."

"Oh." You were still too tired to question him further.

Slowly, you began to swing your legs out of your bed, resisting the urge to put your feet back in the warmth of your duvet when they hit the cool wooden floor you had in your room. Mettaton shuffled the chair he was sitting in back against the wall so you could stand up. As soon as you were on your feet, you began to shuffle towards your bedroom door, before mumbling "I'm going to go for a shower, we've got to leave at eight."

After spending a good half hour in the bathroom, you finally felt somewhat awake enough to make your way downstairs and deal with Mettaton.

Mettaton was lying on the sofa in your living room as you made your way through to the kitchen. You could hear what he was watching on the TV - more riots were happening in areas monsters were settling down in. There was an official ambassador for the monsters now that King Asgore was calling on more and more to create peace. Nobody was taking them seriously though since they were just a 10 year old child.

You flicked the kettle on and leaned against the door frame that lead the kitchen through to the living room, watching the TV with Mettaton. The subject had changed to the weather, which never really bothered you. You just dealt with things as they hit. As the end of the weather report you heard the kettle finish boiling, so you went through and added the water to a mug which had some coffee grounds in it, and mixed it until they had dissolved. A splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar later, you were waiting for it to cool down next to Mettaton, who had sat up to let you sit next to him. The information being spewed out of the TV was just background noise to you. You were just overwhelmingly aware of Mettaton sitting next to you - how he was slightly slouched over, with his arms resting on his thighs; how he was studying the information the news channel had to offer; and how in that moment he seemed so... human.

But he wasn't human, and you knew that. He just seemed so genuine, like somebody who you'd bump into on the street - not like the monsters you were told used to wreak havoc all those years ago.

Soon enough, your empty coffee cup was in the sink, and you were guiding Mettaton into the passenger seat of your car. He seemed to recall how to put on his seat belt, but the moment you turned on the engine he was gripping the sides of his seat like it was his life. You giggled, telling him to relax, as you left your driveway and started the thirty minute journey to the TV studios.

Mettaton was strangely quiet on the way, and it wasn't until you stopped at a set of traffic lights you noticed why.

Posters, graffiti, covering nearly every building and every window. All of them were filled with hateful anti-monster propaganda.

From what you could see, most of them referenced the war which sent the monsters underground in the first place. A lot of them depicted images of dead monsters, or monsters destroying things. Even as a human, you found the images sickening to look at. Almost instinctively, you placed a hand on top of one of Mettaton's hands and gave it a light squeeze. You wanted to say something reassuring, but you couldn't think what, so you just held his hand until the lights changed to green, and you had to pull off again.

As you arrived outside the studios, you looked over at Mettaton. He still didn't say anything.

"Hey, Met." You began, "Are you alright?"

In response, he nodded his head and exited the car. You caught up with him. "You sure you're okay?"

He just continued walking several paces in front of you towards the entrance.

"Met, please."

"What do you expect me to say?" Mettaton turned round to face you. "It's not exactly easy seeing your kind being completely oppressed! All the stories we were told: of a new life on the surface, of a place where the grass is green and the sky is blue, of a place where humans and monsters can exist in peace... It's... It's..."

"Not a nice feeling."

Mettaton sighed. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"Don't apologise, Met. Let's get you inside."


I just hit 5k reads! what the heckie???

So, I have a quick question for y'all. What would you like to see in this fanfic?

Now, I'm not saying that it'll affect upcoming chapters, but I'm just really curious. It can be anything! Seriously, I won't judge! From ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to (ಥ_ಥ) idm, I'm just really curious lol

Also you guys seemed to really like that last video I attached to the chapter. So I've attached one by the same guy to this chapter. Enjoy!

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