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Note: This was part of an April Fools Day prank with @pokespewhite (its not letting me tag them wtf)

As such, she wrote this chapter and a joke chapter which can now be found on my page, and I did the same for her story "Starry Nights" which is a Sans x Reader. Go and read it! It's really good omg

So, without further ado, here's the chapter!


"So, uh, here we are."

You smiled patiently at Mettaton as he stared at the door to your boss' office. You had both been sitting there for some time- you didn't know how long, but it felt like an age. It wasn't like Mettaton to get stage fright.

"Are you going to open it?" you suggested. Mettaton blinked and his head snapped up.

"Eh, yes. That would be a good idea," he agreed, chapping on the door.

"Come in!" a voice called from inside your boss's office.

You both stepped inside, admittedly a little scared. Your boss was a pretty nice guy once you got to know him, but you didn't know his opinion on monsters. He did noticeably raise his eyebrows slightly when he saw Mettaton take a chair beside you, but wore a welcoming smile as he leant forward and knitted his hands together.

"So, (Y/N), who's this?" Mr Hanson asked brightly, glancing at Mettaton. You were surprised that Mettaton wasn't nervous- in fact, he was pretty calm, with his arms hanging loosely by his side and his posture straight. Confident, even.

"This is my friend, Mettaton. He's from the Underground."

"I guessed," Hanson laughed, but he seemed somewhat suspicious as he continued. "What can I do for you two?"

You glanced at Mettaton expectantly, and he cleared his throat. "So you probably don't know me, but in the Underground I was one of the most famous TV stars. One of the only TV stars, but.."

"Oh!" Hanson's eyes lit up as he interrupted Mettaton. "I've heard a lot about you. All the monsters I've met seem to be talking about what a star you'll be."

You couldn't help but giggle at the look of sudden joy on Mettaton's face. It was weird, seeing a robot act so.. well, realistic. Alphys must have put a lot of effort into making him.

"Are they really?~ I assume that's given me a good reputation," Mettaton nodded.

"That is true. And so I think I can guess what you two want to do here."

"Yeah," you say. "Mettaton would like to host a TV show."

This was followed by a short, heartbreaking silence.

Hanson looked surprised, but after a moment he ran a hand through his hair and laughed awkwardly. "No, uh. I guess I guessed wrong."

"What do you mean?" demanded Mettaton, though his eyes were still full of hope.

"Well, uh.. you're a monster."

"Yes, but-" you began, but stopped as you realised Hanson wasn't discriminating; he was genuinely apologetic.

"I'd love to give you a show. But because of laws and things like that, I can't legally let someone host a show if they don't have a visa," he explained, trying to look as sympathetic as he could. "It would ruin my career, your career-" he nodded to you- "Possibly the studio. It's just a sign of the times."

Mettaton was heartbroken, but still seemed to have a spark of charisma in him. "Thank you, sir. If you're sure there is no other way, I'm guessing that's just what I will have to do."

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