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By the time you woke up the next morning, it was already afternoon. You were still in your tuxedo from the day before, which was the only thing that reassured you that the day before had happened, and wasn't just some crazy dream. The only other thing that could reassure you would have been Mettaton, but alas he hadn't waited for you to wake up like he usually did - instead you could hear him walking about downstairs. It sounded like he was pacing up and down the hallway which wasn't like him; so you went to check on him.

Just as you had expected, there he was: pacing the hall, rubbing his forehead and muttering things under his breath that you couldn't make out. He had changed out of his dress, but instead was wearing a long top that belonged to you.

Not questioning the t-shirt, you asked; "Is everything okay?" and leaned over the banister.

Mettaton stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. "We... uh... we need to talk."

You raised an eyebrow and turned to go back up the stairs, "Okay. Let me go and get changed out of this first."



Mettaton stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at you. "Sorry, b-but can I get this off my chest first?"

You began to go back down the stairs, meeting him at the bottom. He seemed... scared? Anxious? Worried?

These weren't things you were meant to feel the morning after you got married, you were pretty sure. So something must be up.

"What's wrong?"

"Let's... uh... let's take a seat." He mumbled, walking through into the living room and sitting down on the sofa. You sat down next to him, concerned.

"Look, Met. Whatever is wrong, you can tell me, okay?" You said, "You haven't really seemed right since Alphys talked to you."

Mettaton smiled slightly, "Yes. Well. About that."

He paused, before taking a deep breath in.

"I guess there's no discreet way to say this, and I know we've talked about it before... but do you want kids?"

"Mettaton... I--"

"The thing is, since the barrier broke, Alphys has been doing a lot of research into human biology and such. You know, to see if any of the medical discoveries we've made would work on humans and vice versa... and in doing so she's figured out a theoretical way for us to have biological children."

You paused for a moment, taking the information in. "Would it be possible for us to wait a while? I don't just want to jump straight into creating a family. Heck, I'm not particularly sure I want to raise a family with the way things are at the moment."

"I said the same things to her. But the thing is, the way it works involves some practices which are morally questionable and therefore illegal in many countries. However, since the Underground is classified as it's own country with it's own laws, it's okay for us to do it down there."

"So... what you're trying to say is that it's now or never, correct?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

You fell silent for a few moments as you thought things over.


The word seemed oddly foreign to you as you rolled it around in your mind. The concept of having kids - kids that were your own; kids that you'd raise to adulthood; kids that you'd have to take responsibility for - was terrifying.

"Let me go and have a shower, and I'll think about it." You answered, standing up. "Are you okay now?"

Mettaton looked significantly better, and a good bit happier as well as he watched you get up. "Yeah. Thank you."

Turn Me On [Mettaton X Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα