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Two months later

Less than a week to the wedding. And you were terrified.

In the past two months, Mettaton had begun to reach out to his old fans via the internet (which had since been linked up to the undernet), and he told them about the whole deal about him getting a citizenship in order to get his show back.

He seldom mentioned you though. You weren't sure if that was a good or a bad thing; Good, because any time it was even hinted at your relationship you got met with yells of "beastiality" and jealous fangirls spamming "kys"; Bad, because when the wedding comes around there'll be a lot of people who will be very angry - not just monsters either.

Many clips of Mettaton's old show had made their way online, and he was surprisingly gathering quite a following amongst humans - mainly preteen girls who listened to all the cheesy boybands possible. This audience seemed to stem from the scene where the ambassador, Frisk, encountered Mettaton for the first time and he transformed into the body he has now.

Mettaton had kindly asked you to refrain from watching clips with his old body in them. You agreed, since it did seem to be something that caused him some discomfort.

Alphys seemed to be recovering well from Undyne's death. She didn't want to leave the underground for long periods of time, so you and Mettaton would go down once every so often to check up on her, where she'd force you to marathon as much anime as possible with her.

Your mother had completely engulfed herself in wedding preparation, helping you pick your tuxedo and book the registrars and such; she just wasn't willing to help with Mettaton's side. Your father barely did anything, since he still hadn't forgiven Mettaton about what he said on that day.

Now, with the wedding less than 5 days away, you were driving over into the next town with Mettaton and Shyren to get him his dress. Turns out monsters had the same tradition of not showing their significant other their dress before the wedding, so Shyren agreed to coming to the surface to help him pick. She didn't seem too keen on talking to you though.

Mettaton and Shyren had never been this far away from Mount Ebott before, and as such they had pressed themselves up against the windows, taking in the scenery as much as they could.

Scenery - as in areas which were cursed with scaffolding and construction, rubble drowning any sign of life.

They were fascinated.

Eventually, you drove up outside the bridal parlor and took off the childlock so that they could get out. Mettaton had said beforehand that he didn't need you to go in with him, so you wished them luck and drove around the corner to a small parking lot where you pulled out an ever-growing portfolio of wedding-related things.

Mettaton had taken up around a quarter of it just with dresses. Mermaid cuts, circle skirts, lace and silks of numerous colours, and veils of varying lengths and styles. Your page for your tux was small, and very minimalist. In an attempt to somewhat match Mettaton, you were going to wear a grey waistcoat and a pink bow-tie, with everything else being either black or white.

You remembered back to trying it on. It looked really smart, but you had to admit that maybe you would have found a dress a little bit more comfortable and less restricting.

The rest of the portfolio focused on the service and the registration afterwards. Everything was going to be held just outside the barrier, like Mettaton had suggested, and the reception was to be held there as well.

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