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Alphys ran out of your house, and continued to do so until she turned a corner, where she stopped against a lamppost, panting harder than when Mettaton was hugging her. She pulled out her phone, where she had received several texts from her new girlfriend, Undyne.

"Alphys, I need help."

"Alphys I'm literally trapped in this thing and science would really help right now."

"Alphys, bae, babe, dinopaws, jaffa cakes, the wrath of Asgore Dremuur requires your assistance."

"I have no idea where I am but I think those are human children screaming."

"Yep those are definitely human children screaming and the adults seem to be angry oh god."

Alphys, instead of being concerned, smiled at the texts. Dinopaws. Why?

"Stay calm, okay? Are there any signs you can read?" She typed, and got a response shortly after.

"Nope, but the adults are screaming something about a park? What's a park?"

Alphys recalled passing a place entitled "Park" on the way to your house. She took a final deep breath, and started to hurry back.


Alphys arrived at the park, and quickly spotted a crowd of angered humans yelling at Undyne, who was tangled up at the top of a climbing frame. Despite being trapped, she was still able to dodge the empty cans of soda, rocks, and other pieces of junk that were being launched at her.

Alphys had to admit - she was scared. Scared of messing up in front of Undyne, and scared of the angry mob below her. However, she knew that she had to get Undyne down from the climbing frame, and the only way to do that was



The 6 foot tall skeleton walked through the gate into the playpark, and was closely followed by his brother, Sans. As people began to take notice of the two skeletons approaching them, they began to part down the middle so Papyrus could get through. As Papyrus reached the base of the climbing frame, he spread his arms wide and yelled "JUMP!"

The crowd went silent.

Alphys put her hands over her eyes as she heard Undyne begin to battle-cry, and she uncovered her eyes after there was a loud clatter of bones hitting the ground.

After considering telling his brother and Undyne that she could have just climbed down, Sans offered his so brother a hand off the ground. Papyrus refused, and got up by himself. The three monsters, becoming aware of the mob of humans around them, then started to leave the park. The crowd started to pick up volume again, and soon started to yell inaudible things at the monsters. From the tone of their voices and the looks on their faces, it was clear that they weren't very nice things.

Alphys ran to catch up with Undyne and the skeleton duo, but she didn't say anything. She took Undynes hand, and began to walk away.


"The president is currently talking to the leader of the monsters, reguarding where they will live and what opportunities will be available to them. The president has been in contact with other world leaders and organisations over the past few days in order to determine these factors, but exact details have currently been withheld from the public. We'll keep you updated as information comes in."

"This is ridiculous!" Mettaton exclaimed, almost knocking the bowl of cereal you were eating out your hands. "We've been locked underground for centuries and now they're threatening to send us back? What is this?"

You put a hand on his arm to try and calm him down. "They never said that they were going to send you back. We just need to figure some things out, such as how you guys are going to work and..."

"They're going to say we worked and lived absolutely fine in the underground so there's no need for us to be up here!"

You chewed on a mouthful of your cereal thoughtfully. "We're just going to have to wait and see."

"And world leaders? There's more humans than just the ones in this city?"

"Um." You knew Mettaton was being serious. "There are like... 7.3 billion humans on the planet."

"This is ridiculous! A few thousand monsters to billions of humans? We're never going to get a say in what happens! We're going to be crushed!"

You stayed silent. You knew it was true. Another newsflash appeared on the screen:

"After much debate, the president, King Asgore and many other figures have came to the conclusion that the Underground is to be considered another country. All monsters, by October, have to have either a visa or a citizenship in order to legally stay on the surface."

"See! I told you!" Mettaton looked as if he was going to overheat. You remained silent.

"Humans also require a visa or a citizenship to stay in the underground, this will also start in October after all appropriate documents have went through. Dual citizenship is currently prohibited, although King Asgore is aiming to change that by the start of next year. Once again, we'll keep you posted."


"Hm?" You swallowed another spoonful of cereal.

"I really don't want to go back there."

You stayed quiet.

"How do I obtain a citizenship? Or a visa? What's the difference?"

"I'm not sure." You paused. You really wanted to help him, but you weren't sure how.

Mettaton was clearly upset, so you placed your bowl of cereal on your coffee table and put your arm around him, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure something out." I don't want you to go back either, to be honest.

"You need to have a shower first, though." Mettaton pointed out.

"That I do, Met. That I do."


Y'all thought this fanfic was gonna be fluffy af didn't y'all


Edit: Fixed minor error - I should mention that after I've finished this I'm going to go back and do a large edit fest for any spelling or grammatical errors I may have made. Thanks for reading - and the next chapter should be here soon???

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