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You watched in awe as a steady stream of monsters poured out of Mount Ebott. You were scared, but they seemed even more so. You filmed them with a steady hand as they tripped over rocks and curiously tried to consume various plantlife. You had heard the stories as a child - of the war between humans and monsters, and the stories of those who climbed Mount Ebott, never to return.

It was clear now. They weren't stories.

Hearing your cue, you zoomed the camera out to focus on the reporter a couple of meters in front of you.

"We sent our best magicians to send these monsters underground forever, but now that generations have passed and the threat of monsters attacking was at minimum, the magic has been lost for us. We have received reports of---"

A loud metallic screech interrupted the reporter, and you quickly focused the camera on where the stream of monsters was coming out.

"Oh! Cameras are already waiting for me? I never knew I already had an established fanbase on the surface!" You focused your camera on the source of the noise - a tall, pink, black and silver robot who resembled some kind of humanoid. "Don't worry humans! I'm coming!"

The robot then began to hobble towards you on it's pink high-heeled boots. The reporter slowly moved behind you.

Your heart began to pound. These monsters, you had heard, were vicious things. They attacked anything and everything. Your mind began to race - was this some kind of robot sent to attack the humans? Was it going to kill you? You panicked.

The robot finally reached you and gestured for your camera. Bewildered, you held it out and they took it. They held it up and pointed it at their face, pouting slightly.

"Hey, darlings! Wow." He took a quick look at the camera, "Isn't this thing primitive... Anyway! I'm Mettaton, and that name will become very familiar to you over the upcoming months! Anyway... oh."

He handed the camera back to you.


"Sorry. You must be a human, right?"


"You have to show me around! Gosh, this place is huge, and what's that large glowing thing in the sky?"

"That's the sun... but we're still on air, sir. This is a 24 hour broadcast."

"How much longer does it have left?" He inquired

"About 6 hours."

"I can wait." He said, sitting down on the edge of the jacket you were using to kneel on. You had the camera resting on a rock, which enabled you to sit down for the majority of the broadcast.

"Say. What's all this green stuff?" He asked, tearing up a handful of grass beside him.

"That's grass. It's... uh..." How would you describe grass to someone who's never seen it?

"It's pretty."

"Yeah. Yeah it is." You smiled. You were aware this robot could turn on you at any moment, but he seemed so... innocent at the moment. Like he was the one who was scared, but at the same time oh-so-curious of this new world he was in.

An hour passed in silence, with you standing up to film the hourly update at the turn of the hour.

"Are humans really all that bad?" He blurted out, suddenly.


"Hundreds of lives on the monsters side were taken, only one on the humans. Is that true?"

"I-I don't know. They were all just stories as a kid. Legends told at sleepovers to keep you up at night. I never thought that monsters were real - and they were always made out to be the bad ones..." In all honesty, you were beginning to feel a lot safer around Mettaton.

"Anyway," you said, "Why are you hanging around with me? Don't you have friends to be with or...?"

"You have a camera and appear to be filming for some kind of news channel. I intend to rebuild my fanbase on the surface, so I'm going to follow you to where ever the studios are... If that's okay with you, darling?"

"I'm not going back there after filming. I've been awake for nearly 24 hours non-stop and I need to get some rest."

There was a slight ticking sound from Mettaton, before he replied "I could do with some rest as well. I'm guessing humans have electricity?"


A small bug landed on the dial on Mettatons chest. He carefully put his hand next to it, letting it crawl onto it. "I've never seen one of these before."

You looked over at his hand and got a good glimpse of the insect. "That's a ladybug. You get them every so often."

The bug flew out of Mettatons' hand.

"How intriguing..." He smiled, watching it fly away.

You couldn't help but smile too.


Wow. You guys really liked that last chapter! I hope I haven't disappointed you all with this one. haha

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