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It was around six in the evening when you and Mettaton reached the park. Much to your surprise, there weren't many people in there - a group of teenagers, a family in the childrens' area and a couple strolling along the path around the perimeter.

You parked outside the park and left the car, grabbing a blanket from the boot before you locked it. Mettaton left as well, holding the pizza you had just bought. You could see some of the grease soaking through the box - and by this point you were starving. Taking Mettaton's free hand with your own, you lead him into the park.

Eventually you set up the blanket under a tree in the far corner of the park. It was a quiet place, far from the other park visitors. The feeling in the pit of your stomach was still there, but you managed to keep it at bay - the same way you suppressed your initial feelings towards Mettaton. You and Mettaton then sat down on the blanket together and leaned against the tree, still holding onto Mettaton's hand as you did so. You only let go when Mettaton handed you your pizza so you could dig in.

Despite the fact that it had just finished raining, the evening was still fairly warm, and the area under the tree was pretty dry. The sun was starting to come out again, and with Mettaton at your side you couldn't help but think back to before you had met him. It seemed almost like a decade ago, when in reality it was less than a week.

You had known him for less than a week and you were engaged to him.

The thought didn't give you as much anxiety as it had the night before. The anxiety was more focused on the wedding now.

You wiped one of your hands on your trousers, before starting to talk; "Mettaton, we should start talking about... wedding plans. And the future. And just... we just need to plan things out."

"I agree. I've been thinking about some things..." He trailed off as though he was slightly unsure of how he was going to continue.

"Go on?"

"I'd like to wear the dress, if that's okay with you? I-I mean, you can wear one too if you want... a-and you can go down the aisle... but I've just always really wanted to wear a dress if I got married - if that's okay?"

Seeing him this flustered took you back to when he first came up to you. He seemed so confident, with a constant aura of some kind of magic surrounding him. Yet here he was, sitting against a tree next to you, getting all embarrassed over whether he was going to wear a dress or not to get married.

In all honesty, with those hips (and legs), you knew that he would rock a dress.

"That's fine Met, I was never really one for dresses anyway." You weren't lying. If you had to pick between a suit and a dress, you'd pick the suit every time.


You let out a small laugh before continuing; "I was actually thinking more of the date and the venue and such. Considering we have just over two months to do this, it might be quite difficult to book some things."

"You do realise that our marriage is going to be revolutionary, right?" He said, interrupting your flow.

"Wait, what?"

"Us getting married will be a symbol of peace between humans and monsters - I just know it!"

"Mettaton..." Glancing away from him, you noticed that the family and couple had left the park, just leaving the group of teenagers loitering around the play area. Several of them were giving Mettaton strange glances.


"Humans... humans don't tend to think that way most of the time." You sighed, "We... we're kind of raised to think the worst of people. Our marriage may be symbollic down the line, but you're..."

"Going to be made out to be the bad guy."


He was silent for a few moments. You took another bite of your pizza, which was rapidly starting to cool down. "But anyway... as I was saying, I think it might be quite nice if we have it near where the barrier was."

"The barrier?"

"Literally the thing that was keeping us monsters underground." He explained.

"Right. So up on Mount Ebott?"

"Yeah! It would allow me to invite my friends and family from the Underground who don't want to move up whilst allowing you to invite your friends and family."

"Alright." Looking away from Mettaton again, you noticed the group of teenagers moving towards you. All of them were boys, you could see that, but as for who they were you didn't know. They were laughing, pushing a significantly smaller boy forwards. They were clearly egging him on to do something, which caused that feeling in the pit of your stomach to spread up into your chest.

"Can we help you?" You called out. Mettaton grabbed your hand and squeezed it. It calmed you slightly.

"Ah, yeah mate. You're like... one of 'em monsters, yeah?" The smaller boy smirked, motioning towards Mettaton. You could see he had a bottle of water in his hand.

"Yes, I am. Why?" Mettaton stood up, taking you with him. He towered over the younger boy, yet the kid clearly wasn't intimidated.

We need to get out of here.

"Can me an' the lads get a selfie?"


The group of teens burst out laughing at Mettaton as he looked at you for an answer.

"It's like a photo that you take of yourself."

Mettaton nodded. "Well, I don't see why not, I mean, I'm guessing you've heard of me in some shape or form."

More laughter, with the younger boy just pushing out an "Aye mate, we 'ave."

With a confused expression, Mettaton let go of your hand and went to stand in amongst the group. He was much taller than the majority of them, which surprised you slightly

This isn't going to turn out good.

One of the boys - the tallest one - pulled out his phone and raised it to get everyone in the shot, before looking over at you. "'Ey, you, you come on in as well, doll."

"I'll... I'll pass, thanks."

"Aw, alright then."

Mettaton looked over at you. He could tell something was up as well, but he still smiled at the camera and put his arms around two of the boys shoulders.

This was the Mettaton you had first seen. All glam and showbiz. Acting for the cameras.

"Okay lads! Three,"

They all seemed to tense up.


Excluding the shorter boy, they all put one hand into their pockets. Mettaton noticed this and turned around.


But it was too late.

With a robotic exclamation of surprise, Mettaton was drenched in a mix of water and energy drinks.

The person with the phone took the selfie, and then they ran off, leaving the soaked robot standing still.

"Mettaton! Are you okay!" You ran up to him, and stopped. There was smoke making its way out his chest - through the spaghetti holes mainly, but also through any other areas it could fit through.


"Mettaton, answer me!"

He looked up at you. He was expressionless.


"I'm not waterproo-"

His voice glitched out a bit, cutting off his sentence. That was when he collapsed onto you, motionless.

"Mettaton? Mettaton, speak to me. Mettaton.


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