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Mettaton woke you up early the next morning, so that you could safely exit the underground without hordes of Mettatons' fangirls noticing the two of you together. Despite that, you both got a few looks from monsters that had woken up early as you walked through the Underground - some were confused, others just seemed downright sad or disgusted when it clicked with them that you and Mettaton were a thing.

Mettaton never explained magic to you on the way back up, since you were still half asleep. You only woke up fully when you exited the barrier and got hit by a wave of cold air, and you realized that it was actually a lot later than you had originally thought. Of course - hundreds of years underground with no sunlight would have caused monsters to become adapted to a slightly different timezone than on the surface.

Your car was still at the base of the mountain, so you drove back to your house and got washed and changed before trying to decide on a plan of action about introducing Mettaton to your parents (and getting nowhere).

You decided that you were just going to wing it and visit them with no plan whatsoever - however just to be on the safe side, when you got back into your car you phoned them. Your mother picked up on the first ring. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mum." You managed to keep your voice steady, although nerves were starting to eat away at you. You hadn't talked to them since the monsters had came to the surface, and you were certain they would have something to say about that.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! How are you, and where are you? Do you need help? Have you been hurt? Was it those monsters? Do you-"

You suppressed a sigh as you interrupted her. "Mum, please, I'm fine. I was wondering if I could come round today?"

"That's fine! Why?"

Should you need a reason to want to visit your parents? You weren't sure of the answer to that, but even so you replied; "I have someone I want you to meet. Just... just don't be alarmed when I explain things to you."

"Have you finally got yourself a boyfriend?"


There was audible laughter from the other end of the phone. Mettaton looked over at you and raised an eyebrow. You just shrugged, since you couldn't tell whether the laughter was happy or condescending.

"Sorry, hun." Your mum said once she had stopped laughing, "I'm going out at five, so you can come around any time before then."

"Is it okay if I come round now?"

"Any time before five, I said."

With a quick "See you later, love you, bye!" You hung up the phone, and pressed your head against the steering wheel.

"Is everything alright?" Mettaton asked, his hand hovering over your shoulder.

You nodded, sitting up. "Yeah. Yeah, it should be."


You drove up outside your parents house - a suburban semi-detached in an area that looked like it had came straight out of a John Green novel. You couldn't really think about how you were going to approach your parents with the concept that you were getting married to a guy - no, a monster - you had known for less than two weeks, so you just exited the car and made your way up to the front door, knocking on it when Mettaton had caught up. Almost instantly, your mother opened the door.

"Oh, hello (Y/N)! And you must be...?"


"Martin! Lovely, lovely!" She smiled, squinting her eyes at him. "Come on in, and please excuse me. I can't find my glasses today, the silly potato I am."

Turn Me On [Mettaton X Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin