thirty two | nothing like a walk in the park

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❝ you're the only one i see. ❞

zhong chenle | saturday, november 10 pt. 2.

"I STILL CAN'T believe you like mint chocolate ice cream," chenle shuddered. he was currently sitting across from jisung who had a cone with the cursed flavor piled on top. he himself had a bowl of orange sherbet and was currently cringing at the younger's choice of flavor.

"oh shut up," he rolled his eyes. the two could never seem to figure out their feud on ice cream. chenle giggled, bring his legs up to cross on top of the booth seats they were in. the chinese boy took a bite of his sweet, cold treat and watched as jisung frantically licked his own as to not let it drip on the table. his lips were curled loose into a smile; jisung was just too adorable ): (lov how my texting language has now moved on to my writing language!).

they continued to talk about random subjects, including the new norenmin couple and upcoming recitals or competitions, for the next hour or so. by then they had completed their treats and even bought seconds.

as jisung left to throw their trash away, chenle felt his smile fall. he had no idea why jisung liked him the way he did and he was starting to really feel the confusion kick in. isn't chenle annoying? he's so loud too and enthusiastic all the time. would jisung get tired of him after they actually get together?

chenle swallowed his fears when he caught the blonde coming his way, trying his best to push them to the back of his mind. it's their first date! he can't break down now!

"where you wanna go now?" the chinese boy asked before jisung could tell that something was wrong.

somehow he knew jisung felt that he was off, but he didn't say anything thankfully. instead he plucked his phone off of the table and checked for the time before sliding it in the pocket of his hoodie.


the prettiest park in their town was a place where their friend group frequented. it was fairly large and was surrounded with the colourful trees of october. it was convenient that it was also placed in the center of their school and mark's neighborhood.

jisung's fingers were tangled in between his own, their hands swinging as they walked through the beautiful park. the breeze was a bit chilly and the sun was hidden behind a cloud but it was amazing to them. chenle allowed the sounds of the leaves and jisung's voice distract him from the insecurities that were slowly rising. he felt his fingers begin to shiver and internally cursed himself at the possibility of jisung noticing.

of course, he did.

"you okay?" jisung's steps slowed and he turned to the elder, eyes staring into his own. chenle looked away, letting out a breath and smiling. "i'm fine."

to play it off better he walked closer, tightening his grip on the other's hand. jisung was obviously not fooled but he hummed in response and left it alone.

as they kept walking jisung caught sight of a father playing with his daughter on the playground and grinned, calling chenle to look. jisung had always been keen on families, as he didn't see his own father much. plus he was just a very soft person when you look behind his shell. the elder felt his heart practically swell, "cutie."

jisung looked back over at him. he stopped walking and sighed. "lele, tell me what's wrong."

chenle immediately froze.

"nothing is wrong," he tried his best to convince jisung but the tears that slowly pricked his eyes spoke otherwise. chenle bit down on his bottom lip, pulling his hand away and rubbing his eyes. now was not the time for this to be happening. "n-nothing is wrong–"

when he felt his body being pulled forward and into a bench that was placed near them, he allowed his mouth to close and his eyes to let the tears fall. thankfully there weren't many. the wooden bench wasn't the most comfortable but he made due with it by curling up on top, avoiding eye contact with his date. out of his peripheral vision he watched as jisung sat down next to him and played with his hands for a second. chenle did his best to control his breathing, although it was a bit difficult. it was times like this especially when he wondered why jisung liked him.

after literally like ten seconds chenle quickly reached out to grab one of jisung's large hands and pull it close to his chest, holding it with both of his own smaller hands.

jisung chuckled beside him. "you gonna tell me what's wrong now?"

slowly, chenle exhaled, shutting his eyes. his heart beat frantically and he was nervous jisung would get mad or awkward or really just confused. "i'm afraid- i'm afraid that you don't actually like me..."

"hold up what?"

of course he asks that, chenle internally chuckled. jisung was never exactly the brightest or quickest.

"i know it's our first date and all but i'm s-so scared that you'll get tired of me or lose feelings and i... it's stupid."

"lele," jisung started quietly. he was visibly nervous as well, he was never good at confrontation of any sort with how awkward he was. "considering how long we've stuck together, i've already gotten used to being around you if that's what you're worried about. every day i... every day i like you more and more," by now his face was bright red and chenle? yeah his probably was too.

"if i ever got tired of you i'd beat myself up before renjun could do it for you."

chenle giggled at that, the image of renjun being defensive of chenle for literally nothing was very accurate and entertaining. he leaned forward and let his body practically fall into jisung's chest, still wrapped around his arm.

"you sure?" he mumbled quietly.

jisung nodded like a child, along with a hum. "of course!"

chenle smiled at that. he would obviously still have his insecurities but he trusted jisung with his entire being, so he would do his best to believe. the chinese boy raised his head to place a quick kiss on jisung's jaw before his brain could tell him not to.

they could finish their walk later but for now, chenle would believe.

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