seven | a portrait of perfection

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no, i can't express this with words.

na jaemin | mon, august 13.

TO SAY THE least, jaemin didn't feel any different.

today was the day he turned eighteen years old, and he had been expecting some grand feeling upon waking up. you know, that feeling you get when you're ten and you can only think "i'm finally ten years old!" however, he didn't even remember the date until his mother hugged him and congratulated him during breakfast.

his mom had taken him to school that day, wanting to make sure he took a while to enjoy his food. when he walked into the gates of the school, his friends were standing in a circle waiting. mark had been the first to see him.

"aye, jaem!" mark called him over, causing the others to turn. chenle and jeno started squealing and jumping, haechan started singing, and renjun, jisung, and mark just watched their friends go crazy. when jaemin reached his friends, the two youngest hugged him so tight he could barely breathe. "okay, okay- let me go now," he had to pat their shoulders, waiting for them to release him. "happy birthday, hyung!"

mark gave him a pat on the shoulder and leaned in close to jaemin's ear, before screaming "happy birthday" as loud as he could. jaemin backed away, "holy shit, mark!" donghyuck sung jaemin a birthday song, kissing his cheeks and his forehead.

"nana!" renjun held his arms out, a cute smile on his face. jaemin felt his heart stutter and he returned the smile, "injunnie!" he waddled over happily to renjun and pulled him into his arms. the chinese boy hugged jaemin close and gestured for jeno to join. jeno held jaemin from the back and rested his chin on the younger's free shoulder. "happy birthday, jaem!"

jaemin giggled as he wiggled out (sadly) of the group hug and looked around at the group. "alright, well now that that's over, jisung, chenle, we have a test."

lunch time hit, and renjun had pulled him out of his classroom before he could do so himself.

"renjun? class just ended, how did you get down here so fast? and why?" jaemin looked at the smaller with confusion, a million questions running through his head. renjun grinned shyly, mumbling a "i may have left class a bit early to get here."

jaemin felt a blush creep onto his cheeks. renjun left class early? how did he even do that? for him? he raised his eyebrows, staring at the chinese boy, who was looking away. "i just- okay, come on."

renjun turned and began walking down the hall. jaemin grinned. he held his backpack closer to his chest, following the elder with a racing heart and no questions. they turned the halls, fitting through the students. it was when they reached the art room that jaemin looked at the older, who was gripping the straps of his own backpack and staring at the door.

"what are we doing here?"

renjun turned towards jaemin and took a deep breath. "i want to show you something."

jaemin tilted his head, looking down at renjun. "oh?"

renjun let a small smile kiss his lips as he moved towards the door. he glanced one more time at jaemin before opening it slowly, letting jaemin walk in first. jaemin was still confused and stepped through the door, looking around for a moment before he saw it.

in the corner of the room, planted on an easel was a large canvas. it was a painting, a quite accurate one as well, of said boy. jaemin gasped, raising a hand to cup his mouth as he felt tears prick at his eyes. he was wordless, all he could do at that moment was stare. it was amazing, beautiful in a way jaemin never thought he'd see himself in. he heard the door close softly and quiet footsteps came closer, but he couldn't move.

"do you like it?"

jaemin almost cried right then and there. he turned to renjun, who was looking up at him expectantly. he was biting his bottom lip, obviously nervous about the reaction.

"i–," jaemin dropped his backpack on the ground and pulled renjun into an embrace. he wrapped his arms around the older's neck, burying his face into his hair.

"i love it so much, jun. it's breathtaking."

renjun hummed, letting himself smile wide. he was so relieved that jaemin liked it. he pulled jaemin closer, nuzzling into his neck. he pretended not to notice jaemin's heart racing, knowing his was probably doing the same.

"happy birthday, nana."


i am so sorry that i kept pushing the update back. i started school yesterday, and i've had to deal with a cat problem (which now has resolved itself).

i'm not going to go into the school problems bc i don't feel like it. bUT,

i have an outside cat that we've basically called ours since she's been living around us and eating off of us for about a year now. her name is mama, because when we first found her she was living in our greenhouse with seven kittens. she had five more three weeks ago, and yesterday she moved all of them from our boat to our backyard except for one. i believe it was survival instincts, maybe the kitten got stuck (since it was in a tough spot to get to) and mama had no choice but to leave it. we found it a day after she moved them and decided to take it in, since it was starving and hadn't eaten in over twenty four hours. it was really stressful, it was terrified and refused to eat until this morning. however, now, it's eating from the bottle and is suPER cuddly and adorable and loving!! it also purs so much  )): i'll post pictures in another chapter, but basically i found the love of my life and i couldn't be happier. i now have like nine cats.

also!! happy birthday to our lovely and amazing, mark lee. please send him love and appreciation 🖤🖤

anyway, i'll try to work on more chapters during lunch period and any free time i have since i'll likely have homework and band to work on after school. next update should be on monday or tuesday!


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