twenty five | observations + never minds

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❝ i'm taking the opportunity. ❞

zhong chenle | wednesday, october 10.

CHENLE HAD BEEN observing renjun for a while now.

he hadn't seen the elder talk to jaemin nor jeno for a week now, besides short greetings and occasional clipped replies. he wasn't cold to them but it was definitely not the same. the two korean boys were obviously upset at it but neither said anything yet. if chenle hadn't known that they were planning how they would talk to renjun, he would be mad.

but, he waited it out. jisung had told him that the two confessed to each other and were going to confess to renjun soon, apologizing and everything.

that didn't stop him from worrying. he didn't know exactly when they would speak to the chinese boy, and he was trying his best to distract him from the two.

renjun had been quieter around his other friends, even more quiet with the nomin pair around. he hadn't lost all of his personality, but it was simply hidden away a bit more. when he was with his other four friends he did his best to act normal, besides the decrease in his responses and jokes. it made them sad to say the least, that their best friend (and one of the best people they believed had ever walked across the earth) was so broken, but they couldn't do much about it. 

it had to be jaemin and jeno to fix it.

so here he was, iced coffee in hand, watching as renjun sunk further into mark's chest. he was visibly tired, as he stayed up late the night before studying for a test, which explains why he was immediately pulled into the canadian's arms as he sat down for lunch.

chenle pursed his lips, bringing his cold drink away from his mouth. he glanced over at jisung, who was looking down at his phone. he then looked back over to renjun just as the elder opened his eyes to greet donghyuck as he sat down at the table. donghyuck smiled warmly and ruffled his hair, leaning over to give mark a sweet kiss on the lips and renjun on the forehead. chenle held back his 'awe's by biting his bottom lip. he knew renjun was older than him, but he is so freaking cute! if he didn't ship renjun with jeno and jaemin so hard, he'd definitely ship him with mark and donghyuck (stan markrenhyuck you hoes).

jisung tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at a post jisung was showing him and snorted. a moth meme.

he heard two familiar voices and suddenly jeno and jaemin were walking over to their table. everyone greeted them as they normally would. even renjun smiled at them with a faint "hey", although chenle noticed it wasn't as large or as happy as it should be, before he let his eyes fall shut again. he also noticed the elder's grip around mark's waist tighten as he hid his face in the canadian's neck.

"what's up," jeno chirped, letting his gaze on renjun linger.

chenle sighed. they needed to fix this problem.


when they arrived at jisung's house, chenle immediately fell onto the bed with a sigh of relief that he was finally away from school. jisung followed, throwing his backpack carelessly onto the floor.

chenle raised his arms up and demanded with a single word, "cuddle."

jisung rolled his eyes and huffed but complied, falling onto chenle and spreading his arms and legs like a starfish. chenle squealed and through his loud laughing he got out, "not like that, you idiot!"

jisung cackled. he retracted his limbs (woah limbs) so he could roll off of chenle, instead clinging to him like a koala with his face tucked into the elder's neck and his fingers playing mindlessly with his hair. "what's on your mind?"

chenle groaned a long one, "can nomin just confess already? i want norenmin to happen! i'm so tired of seeing renjun down all the time."

jisung tutted. "big fat agree."

the chinese boy cringed. "okay twitter."

"you said it first."

jisung ignored chenle's disagreements and pulled his phone out of his pocket, his head now lying on top of chenle's collarbone. he opened a group chat with jaemin and jeno and typed out, 'fucking confess already u dipshits hes so upset my gOD' before locking his phone and cuddling into the warmth underneath him.

they laid like that for a while until jisung piped up. "chenle?"

chenle stared up at the ceiling.


it was silent for a moment. "never mind."

sigh. chenle really wished he could hear the words 'i like you' come out of jisung's mouth instead of 'never mind.'



tbh, if i wasn't already dedicated to markhyuck and norenmin in this story, i would've said fuck it and made it markrenhyuck a long ass time ago.

also, i've decided that i am going to start updating every other day! i don't know how long i'll be able to keep this up but oh well, gotta try.


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