sixteen | singing lessons + mixed feelings

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❝ yeah, i'm talking 'bout you,

yeah i'm talking 'bout you. ❞

zhong chenle | monday, september 10.

AS MUCH AS chenle liked singing, he didn't necessarily enjoy the lessons that his mother required him to take.

it wasn't that they didn't help, no. in fact they were quite helpful, he just didn't enjoy sitting in a room with his teacher and singing the same scales over and over again. he had a break for a bit over a month, but now he was back to having lessons every monday and tuesday.

he did, however, appreciate his teacher quite a bit.

her name was mrs. yang, but he just called her auntie. she was fairly young, stood tall with a bright smile and chin-length hair. mrs. yang was very nice and understanding, but she tended to get excited. often times she would talk about her son jeongin, who also sang and happened to be chenle's classmate. other than her easily distracted mind, she was like family to both chenle and his mother. they also saw each other often out of lessons at both school and recitals.

today their lesson was a basic warmup and the obvious scales, and then they would move on to singing a couple songs and 'editing' them. mrs. yang didn't want to take up too much time warming up since they hadn't had a lesson in a while.

chenle listened to the song that they would be working on, 'galaxy' by bolbbalgan4. it was actually a song he really loved, and he was excited. he sang it a lot anyway so it would be fun really working on. he smiled softly, closing his eyes and nodding along as he mouthed the words.

"what do you think?" mrs. yang asked, walking back into the room. she had gone to talk to jeongin (who will be making quite a few appearances btw because i love my baby) after turning on the song. chenle beamed enthusiastically. "i love it! bolbbalgan4 is actually one of my favorite music duos!"

mrs. yang smiled at him. "good! i thought you'd like it."

"so," she sat down and handed chenle a cup of tea. "shall we start?"


mrs. yang furrowed her eyebrows, looking off to the side as she thought. chenle sat, worried that he had done something wrong. suddenly she inhaled sharply and held her pen up. "here's the thing."

"it's perfect. seriously, your intonation, the accuracy, everything is perfect! but,"

chenle gulped.

"it's lacking a certain emotion..."

the chinese boy tilted his head, confused. he tried to think. he was singing with all of the love he had for that song, which was a lot, but he couldn't think of what emotion he was lacking. mrs. yang continued, leaning forward and holding the pen to her lips, narrowing her eyes. "do you, perhaps, have someone special to you?"

chenle hit the table lightly. "ji-"

he paused.


"a love interest or a crush, maybe?"

was he really going to say jisung? chenle was confused. there had been that time he felt a bit nervous when jisung hugged him. actually, there had been multiple instances where jisung made him feel nervous.

what did that mean necessarily?

"not that i can think of," chenle spoke quietly, although his mind was somewhere else. mrs. yang didn't seem to notice this and hummed. "let's think about that for a while, hm? now, let's try something else."

chenle certainly would be thinking about that for a while.


the blonde boy fell into his bed, throwing an arm over his closed eyes. he hadn't even taken shoes off- a terrible thing, i know, but he was preoccupied- or thrown his empty water bottle into the trash yet.

he couldn't stop thinking. there were a few times when he would feel his face warm up or his hands would get shaky when he was around jisung, or when his heart would skip a beat when they hugged. the two had always been super close and affectionate, so when had this changed? he was never like this before. in fact, chenle couldn't pinpoint when it started. the last time he remembered noticing it was after his recital when jisung came up behind him and hugged him, but even then he simply brushed it off. however, he knew it must have started a bit before that.

chenle was confused to say the least.

it was obvious to him that he had to talk to someone about it, and certainly not jisung. he didn't deny the possibility of him liking jisung, although for now it would be nothing more than an interest, for sure. he knew it very well. it wasn't all that terrible, though, jisung was a very likeable person. chenle could probably name off many reasons why he was so likeable.

chenle groaned, rolling over to his stomach and stuffing his face into his pillow.

his short-term solution was to invite donghyuck and renjun over as soon as possible and ask them, since he knew that they had experience in this whole 'liking people' thing, and then to just act normal with jisung while he figured out his feelings.

simple enough, i guess.


update one of two today y'all. ngl the next chapter is very important but not that great :/


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