three | early strawberry conversations

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i'm afraid it's not time yet. ❞

park jisung | fri, august 3.

"'DON'T WANT CONTACT with a canadian' my ass," jisung thought as he stared at donghyuck and mark. from his spot on the floor he could see donghyuck considerably closer to mark than he was when they went to sleep.

jisung was one of the first ones awake. normally, mark would wake up first, but he could still be heard snoring. jisung had also woken up to a face-full of chenle's hair, who had his face tucked into jisung's neck, his arm and leg still thrown over the younger. once jisung managed to escape the chinese boy's grip, he sat up and looked around the room.

his assumption had been correct! donghyuck was cuddled into mark's chest, who had his arms wrapped tightly around the younger, and their legs were tangled up. jisung smirked and snapped a picture of it on his phone. perfect for blackmailing donghyuck. jeno and renjun were also cuddled up on the pull-out mattress, but jaemin was sitting on the edge. he was staring down at the two older boys with a soft smile, and he still hadn't noticed jisung yet.

jisung walked slowly over to jaemin and tapped his shoulder. jaemin jumped, his eyes widening in fear as he squeaked. he stared at jisung before snapping his head back to renjun and jeno. renjun was a very light sleeper, and he wasn't someone you wanted to wake up. it was like waking up a kitten when they were asleep on your lap; it was a heartbreaking thing to do. jaemin let out a sigh of relief when renjun only snuggled further into jeno and he looked back at the silently laughing jisung with a glare.

jaemin grabbed jisung's arm and dragged him out of the room and to the kitchen, where they could talk without worrying about waking someone.

"what was that about?" jisung asked when they got to the kitchen. he jumped up to sit on the counter while jaemin went to the fridge.

"what was what about?"

jisung rolled his eyes, watching as jaemin pulled out a box of strawberries. "you staring at renjun and jeno."

jaemin froze. slowly closing the fridge and joining jisung on the counter, he picked out a strawberry. he let his head fall onto jisung's shoulder and sighed. "honestly? i don't know."

"you don't know?" jisung frowned, wrapping his arm around the brunette's shoulder.

"every time i'm with jeno and renjun i just get... confused. my heart pounds and i don't get it. i think about it a lot. is it because we're so close and i'm just grateful?"

jisung held up a strawberry to jaemin's mouth as he spoke, "how do you feel when they're not around?"

jaemin paused for a second, deep in thought. "i wish they were with me. but that's normal with close friends."

"what about when they're together?"

jaemin took a strawberry and turned his head so his nose was touching the warm skin of jisung's neck. he muttered quietly, "i wonder if they're having a lot of fun, if they're thinking of me. i want to be with the both of them all the time."

jisung didn't respond, so he continued.

"they make me really happy. whenever i'm with one, i'm still sad the other isn't around. my heart pounds really fast every time jeno hugs renjun, and every time they smile. my hands have even been shaky whenever they touch me. maybe i'm just thankful, or it's just an interest."

"give it some time," jisung mumbled, one of his hands petting jaemin's soft hair as the other raised a final strawberry to his lips. "you don't need to worry about it all right now, maybe the problem will resolve itself."

jaemin hummed, closing his eyes. the pair sat like that for a while, enjoying the sounds of morning birds and the hum of the refrigerator.

"are you guys eating all my strawberries?"

jaemin woke back up immediately, looking around to see mark and donghyuck walking into the kitchen. he raised his head and looked over to jisung, who was closing the box of strawberries. "ah, i must've fallen back asleep."

jisung chuckled. he handed the berries to mark, who hid them in the fridge before donghyuck could steal them. "mark! i wanted to eat one."

"no. you'll eat them all."

donghyuck frowned, leaning against the fridge. jeno, renjun, and chenle joined their friends and renjun ran to jaemin. he hugged the younger, who was still on the counter.

"morning, nana!" he chirped cheerily into jaemin's ear. jaemin smiled and hugged back, whispering a small 'morning, jun.'

chenle seemed confused as jisung watched with a sweet smile.


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